Are you getting enough fibre? You’d think the answer to that - TopicsExpress


Are you getting enough fibre? You’d think the answer to that would be obvious enough, our bodies pretty well tell us if there is an issue in that department, however the RDI (recommended Dietary Intake) of 25g for females and 30g for males day is not always met. Adequate dietary fibre is essential for proper function of the gut and more studies are showing an association between dietary fibre and reductions in certain chronic diseases like bowel cancers, diabetes mellitus type 2 and hyperlipidaemia. Adequate fibre intake also helps to reduce constipation, diverticulitis and haemorrhoids. There are 3 main types of fibre: soluble, insoluble and resistant starch. It is important to include a combination of these as they all have important roles. Soluble fibre slows down stomach emptying and therefore is beneficial in stabilising blood glucose levels, as well as maintaining satiety, which for those wanting to lose weight is a big plus. Soluble fibre also assists in lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL). Oats, dried beans and lentils are great sources of soluble fibre. Insoluble fibre cannot be broken down by the body, and as such absorbs water in the gut and helps to soften the contents of the bowel, assisting in motion eg. Makes you go to the loo! Whole-grain cereals, fruit and vegetable skin, as well as nuts and seeds are great sources of insoluble fibre. Resistant starch-as its name implies is a starch resistant to digestion in the small intestine. Once it reaches the large intestine it begins to ferment producing good bacteria that helps to keep the bowel healthy. Resistant starch can be found in under-ripe bananas, slightly undercooked pasta, potato that has been cooked and then cooled and products containing Hi-maize. Interestingly enough resistant starch increases in foods like cold potato, pasta etc more the next day after being cooked. Make sure you get your 25-30g each day, your GUT will thank you! Renee Nutritionist “DECERTO”
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 10:39:53 +0000

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