Are you going out for a New Years Eve night out or having a party - TopicsExpress


Are you going out for a New Years Eve night out or having a party at a friend’s house? Make it a night to remember for the right reasons. As part of Humberside Police’s Operation Yuletide this festive period, party goers are being urged to make sure they stay safe on their big New Years Eve nights out or in. New Years Eve is a great time to socialise with friends and family to bring in the New Year. Unfortunately these nights can lead to revelers drinking excessively in licensed premises or at someone’s house, which leave them vulnerable of becoming victims of crime. As usual high visibility policing patrols will be working in drinking hotspots across Humberside in partnership with multi-agency partners and licensed premises in order to keep the public safe. The aim of this partnership working is to ensure we support people who may be vulnerable and positively deal with a small minority of people who misbehave. In addition we have distributed crime prevention advice to members of the public on how to stay safe on a night out. To support us in keeping you safe we are urging you to adopt the following crime prevention advice for your New Years Eve celebrations: • Do not leave your drinks unattended or accept drinks from strangers as this could lead to your drink being spiked. • Stay with your friends on nights out as there is safety in numbers and try to avoid arguments – people often say things they regret or become more aggressive while drinking • Plan your journey home in advance by arranging to book a taxi home or making use of any night bus services. Never work home alone. • Never use an unregistered taxi. • Do not drink and drive or travel with anyone drinking and driving • Remember to alternate your drinks with soft drinks as these will help you stay hydrated. • Make sure you wrap up appropriately for a night out. For further advice on keeping yourself and property safe over the Christmas period visit our virtual advent calendar which was launched on the 01 December 2014 Behind each window of the calendar you will find useful messages, images and videos that are aimed at helping to keep you safe and sound throughout the holiday season. All the doors are now available for you to view so please check them out. We will also be talking about our operations on Twitter and Facebook so follow us @Humberbeat and look out for the hashtag #xmascrime, like our page facebook/humberbeat.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:25:36 +0000

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