Are you heavy burdened this morning? Are you worrying yourself to - TopicsExpress


Are you heavy burdened this morning? Are you worrying yourself to death? Maybe its because of finances or health or because youre depressed. Whatever the reason, you dont have to live like that!! Jesus said cast all your cares on me. Notice He said ALL!! So whatever has you down this morning, just give it to Jesus and He will lift you up!!! You might say Stephanie, how do I do that? All you have to do is pray about whatever is burdening you and say Lord Im giving it to you. You can take care of it. Im not going to worry about it any more. Then try your best to not worry about it. When satan starts putting doubt and worry in your mind, dont sit there and dwell on it....remind yourself that youve given the problem to Jesus, so its not yours to worry about. Fix your mind on the goodness of God. Remember all the times Hes brought you through before. Use those thoughts to replace doubt and worry. And keep on praying. Just say Lord, Ive given it to you and I know youre gonna fix it. So strengthen my faith and help me to walk in faith rather than worry and doubt. Now I know many of you are thinking EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!! And thats true...BUT...I promise you if you keep doing it day after day youre going to get stronger and stronger in your faith and youll see that weight has been lifted from you. Youll start to see the move of God in your life. Its not easy but its better than being worried and depressed. You can do it. God can help you. Be a faith champion - just give it to God!! I love you all and Im praying for each one of you. Have a blessed Thursday!! Love, Stephanie
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:28:37 +0000

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