Are you in business? Some Top Leadership Tips.. 15 Things to Pay - TopicsExpress


Are you in business? Some Top Leadership Tips.. 15 Things to Pay Attention To. Most people in the business world (that means essentially everyone because you are still in business if you work for someone - You are trading your time at work for money 😊) are running around like hamsters trapped by the cage of their own mindset. 1.Stop looking for a shoulder to lean on. 2.BE the shoulder people can rely on but dont become a crutch for them to deposit all their woes. 3. Leadership is not carrying other peoples baggage. Its helping them to shed theirs. And in turn finding Freedom from the rat race and into active participation into the Human race. 4.Yes help Yes Support. Yes Guide. 5. But first you must be open to asking for help. Open to guidance. 6. And then prepared to do what it takes. Yet there are some who are suffering paralysis by analysis. And a few still pondering. 7. There was a reason you joined whatever business you are in. Find that Why 8. Wake up. 9.Lead your business. 10.Lead your team. 11.Lead Your Life Rant over! Make it happen for you. 12. The world needs you at your best. And You are so strong You know you can. SO DO IT. Make yourself proud. 13. For those still pondering here have a look at this Www.shoppingsherlock/88183 A global GameChanger the very least go register for the Free App and save yourself and others A bundle on your Christmas presents. If you dont need to save thousands of £££€€€$$$¥¥¥ on stuff You are already going to be buying please give the savings to me and I will donate it to a charity in your name! The outcomes from the Wednesday at Victoria London Accountability and Leadership Training Sessions are truly incredible. The events and meetings nationally inc webinars internationally are all tools for your success. We have awesome leaders dedicating time to support you. 14. What will change if you stay the same? Highly recommended shoppingsherlock/88183 15. One Life ...Remember YOU MATTER. Have a beautiful Thursday Im here for you Now go kikass! ~ Kirit Pankhania 😊 xx
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:27:06 +0000

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