Are you interested in saving the enemy at the expense of - TopicsExpress


Are you interested in saving the enemy at the expense of Americans? You say one thing and do another - you support drone killings of Americans without due process, no arrest, no indictment, no trial, just kill them with a drone! So you justify the drone killings of American citizens whove gone to work with al Qaeda, but we cant waterboard Al Qaeda themselves to save an American citizen? So did we get actionable intelligence? John McCain says no. Dick Cheney and John Brennan say yes. Honestly, I dont know. I don’t know who to believe But what I do know is the Obama White House and Eric Holder investigated whether any crimes were committed during those interrogations. No charges ever filed. The fact that Barack Obama - who has spent the last 6 years blaming George Bush for everything but his golf score - didnt file charges tells me there was nothing to prosecute. Not to mention, doing so would have embarrassed high-ranking Democrats like Nancy Pelosi - who knew about everything happening and did nothing. So why now? Besides the obvious political gamesmanship, who was clamoring for this? Where was the drumbeat from - the Gitmo terrorists? Do we even need to have this discussion and point the finger of blame at ourselves when they attacked us! And our government did its best to protect us Now, there were no follow up attacks, now were there? What was gained? There is nothing new and nothing prosecutable. All youve done is jeopardize Americans abroad, create recruiting material for fanatic jihadists and in true Obama fashion throw our allies under the bus I, for one, am tired of American apologists like you trashing those assigned to protect us, those who put their lives on the line like the CIA and law enforcement. They and not you have the high moral ground, you and your namby pamby lets be friends hogwash. And while youre at it, Dianne, whats your solution? Have you read the papers lately? Americans are beheaded by these same Muslim fanatics You know what I think? I think youve been in Washington too long. Your ivory tower, liberal, kumbaya naiveté is dangerous. And simply talking to high value captives who are responsible for murdering my friends and other innocent Americans is naive.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:50:53 +0000

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