Are you on a diet? Think about why you started it. This graphic - TopicsExpress


Are you on a diet? Think about why you started it. This graphic really shows the vicious cycle we experience. The majority of people start a diet because they are unhappy with their body. Reasons for the unhappiness range from not being able to move around easily, not finding clothes that fit, someone making a negative comment, etc. All of these reasons are associated with a negative emotion. The way you punish yourself is to go on a diet and tell yourself you are not going eat this or that anymore. The more you think about the food you are not going to eat, the more it calls your name. Lots of people give in to the cravings, fall off the wagon and forget the diet. Historically, people gain more than they lost and the negative emotions starts all over again. THE KEY IS TO NOT DIET!!!!!!! Make the decision to make a lifestyle change. Do not deprive yourself, just eat in moderation. Each time you get ready to put food or drink in your mouth, ask if there is a healthier choice available. If you are craving a snack, drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes. If you still want something, you are hungry, if not, it was just a craving. Remember, as we age our body produces less enzymes. Enzymes are necessary to utilize the vitamins and minerals in the food you eat. If you need to add enzymes to your body or want help in curbing cravings, visit JMay.SBC90 and learn more about Skinny Fiber
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 00:41:03 +0000

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