Are you or have you been called names, belittled, treated nastily - TopicsExpress


Are you or have you been called names, belittled, treated nastily or made to feel bad about yourself? Has your time with family or friends been watched or controlled? Have you been accused of horrible things, chastised, ridiculed and laughed at? If you have, guess what? THAT IS CALLED MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND IT IS JUST AS HURTFUL IF NOT WORSE THAN PHYSICAL ABUSE. This is domestic violence awareness month. Its long overdue that everyone stands up and against this behavior! It is not funny, cute or ok. Stop believing that it is in some way a form of love. It is sickening. And under no circumstances should you continue to be subjected to this behavior. Be strong and move on!!! Youre gorgeous and nothing is wrong with you. Me and a few other strong peeps are gonna remind you of that fact ALLLLLL MONTH LONG !!!!! *hugs*
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 18:57:08 +0000

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