Are you praying for Snakes? Matthew - TopicsExpress


Are you praying for Snakes? Matthew 7: 9-12 Jesus said, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then, who you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this is the Law and the Prophets”. …Amen As we go through life we experience many things that will hurt or harm us such as codependent and or unhealthy relationships. Some of us have suffered one or more broken marriages and divorce. Others have been through multiple broken dating relationships sometime too numerous to count. However sometimes even after this unhealthy and destructive relationship/or person is removed by the Lord we refuse to accept that it’s over. Sometimes we go to the Lord in prayer & tears over and over and over again… asking him to restore that destructive relationship and to change that other person’s ways. We pray day in and day out, night and day to the point that sometimes that is all we pray about and we forget to pray for others. And sometimes we become so absorbed by this we lose focus of our walk with the Lord. We stop attending bible study, we stop reading our bible, we stop helping in the ministry we are active in and we isolate ourselves from our brothers & sisters in Christ. Sometimes we become angry and resentful towards God because he doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want them answered!!! And we feel that he has left us and we are walking all alone. But sometimes, “No answer”…“is an answer”…from the Lord. We just refuse to accept it. Would you give your child a snake? In this story Jesus asked, “How many of you would give a stone to your child when he asks for bread?” Do you think if this child had asked his father for a poisonous snake would the father have given it to him??? How many of you would give your child a stone or a poisonous snake if he asks you for bread??? It is safe to say I believe it’s safe to say that none of us would ever give our children anything that would harm them no matter how disrespectful they have been to us. Sometimes, God knows we are praying for “snakes” and he will not give us what we ask for even though we persist in our prayers. Why? Because what you are praying for is not in the blessed plan the Lord has for your life and will harm you. We must learn to wait upon the Lord…!!! Wait Upon the Lord Psalms 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! So instead of asking the Lord to fix that broken relationship we must pray to the Lord to grant us Wisdom & Insight so we can see the plan the Lord has for our lives & for the Clarity to understand it, we must understand that we need to “Wait Upon the Lord”. “But what does that mean to “Wait upon the Lord”? That means when we pray to the Lord to answer our prayers we cannot tell the Lord “I have an answer to my problem Lord, and if you answer my prayer my problem will be fixed”. And “yes” sometimes no answer “is” an answer from God. That means that whatever you are praying for is not in the plan he has for your life. But the Lord has granted us with free will and when he doesn’t answer our prayer the way we want it answered we often take things into our own hands often times with devastating consequences. For example, we may pursue and entice someone back into a relationship with us. Someone in which, the Lord has already removed from our life. For example, you may have had dreams of being successful and independent, and that may be what the Lord had in store for you with a spouse who puts the Lord “first” in their life. And in Gods’ plan, they are a faithful spouse and you were happily married with children and pursuing a lucrative career or business. But because we pursued our own plan with the person the Lord had already removed from our life we are derailed from the blessed life we would have lived in Gods’ plan for our life. The consequences may be marital problems, infidelity of a spouse, separation, struggling as a single parent, a child with disabilities, and finally divorce. The question we must ask ourselves, “Is this the Blessed Plan the Lord had for my life”? But as we grow in our relationship with God we learn that he is “Our loving Father” and he will not give us anything that will harm us. He will not give us snakes… And we eventually learn to pray for what is good for us & others…and “It is then and only then” that the Lord answers our prayers and grants us what is good for us. …Amen
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 07:32:35 +0000

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