Are you sabotaging your own life with your mouth? SOON THE PEOPLE - TopicsExpress


Are you sabotaging your own life with your mouth? SOON THE PEOPLE BEGAN TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THEIR HARDSHIP, AND THE LORD HEARD EVERYTHING THEY SAID. THEN THE LORD’S ANGER BLAZED AGAINST THEM, AND HE SENT A FIRE TO RAGE AMONG THEM, AND HE DESTROYED SOME OF THE PEOPLE IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE CAMP. NUMBERS 11:1 Do we find fault and complain? We need to understand we open the door for the devil and invite him in when we complain. If you will refuse to agree with the devil and his thoughts it will be a weapon that will deflect all the fiery darts of the evil one. When we complain, we create a hole in our armor. Our armor is intended to keep us safe and protected and if we will refuse to agree with the devil, we can shut the door on him. Satan loves to remind us of all the disappointments in our lives. He never reminds us of all the wonderful things God has done for us, just the regrets. He loves to try and fill our minds with all kinds of hopelessness, worry and fears. Praising God brings victory into our lives. A children’s cartoon show called Veggie Tales has a saying that I really love. Bob the tomato says “A thankful heart is a happy heart”. IF we would take the time to write down everything we have to be thankful for, the list would be very long. The interesting thing is we complain about the things we create in our own lives. We pray for a job, go to the interview and succeed and then we complain about it. We don’t exercise or eat right and then we complain because we don’t feel well. We overeat and indulge our flesh and we complain about our weight. We get so excited when God gives us a bigger house and then we complain because we have to clean it. We go out and buy a bunch of clothes and complain about all the laundry. We insist on being in a relationship even though it is not healthy and complain about all the drama. We make all of these choices with our free will and then complain to God that we don’t like our lives. It is a set-up and trap from the enemy and will keep us in the wilderness mentally. Develop a new habit of praising and thanking God for all the good things He has blessed you with and you will enter into the Promised Land mentally. You cannot have a positive life if your thinking is negative. God sets before us life and death, choose life that you and your children may live.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:39:47 +0000

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