Are you satisfied with the way you are living?(Sunday 23 March - TopicsExpress


Are you satisfied with the way you are living?(Sunday 23 March 2014) Brethren how far are you willing to forgive others and how far are you willing to be forgiven by others and by Yah? Do unto others what you would like to be done to you, the Bible says. This is one of the Kingdom Principles to be adhered to, as it is written•••{31 And according as you desire that men should do to you, you also do the same to them.:-)Luke 6:31 HRB}•••Look at yourself now be real, is what you are doing to your spouse, your parents, your children exactly what you would like to be treated yourself? Is the cheating you are doing to your wife exactly what you would like your wife to do to you? Is the nagging and disrespectful you give to your husbsnd exactly what you love and dying for the same treatment?. Is the treatment you give to strengers the same you would like to receive when you are a strenger yourself? If you are an abuser would you like to be abused in the same manner yourself? If not you are a hypocrite, the time is now for you to mend your ways. The Bible says if you dig a pit for someone to fall in it you yourself will end up falling in it.(Proverbs 26:27) The one who breaks the hedge the sepent which is waiting around the hedge will strike.(Ecclesiastes 10:8) My brethren are you in the habit of digging pits and breaking hedges?Your day is so close for you to fall in it and be bitten by the sepent. Do not be fooled YaHWeH cannot be mocked what one sow so shall he reap. What are you busy sowing in your childrens life? Will you like the fruits of it thereafter. What are you sowing in your sibblings lives will you admire the fruits thereafter? What are you sowing in other peoples lives will you stand and enjoy watching the fruits of it thereafter? Why is it that we believe that we can have a hardened heart towards others but YaHWeH will still soften His heart towards us? This is the doctrine of the demons. Did you not hear that over two million left Egypt but only two from that genaration entered into the promised land? Did you not hear that out of the whole world only eight people where spared. Did you not hear that out of the vibrant cities of Sodom and Gomorah only four lived to tell the tale. Now it is written•••{14 For narrow is the gate, and constricted is the way that leads away into life, and few are the ones finding it:-)Matthew 7:14HRB}•••Your charector is it synonymous with finding the narrow gate and constricted way of eternal life or its in line with the free flow of many singing Mtshina wami! Mtshina wami! going to their demise? Brethren the time is now where true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth. Are you that one?......... Shalom Pastor Washington Kingdom Principles Ministry Of YaHWeH Email ; [email protected]. Note: Mtshina wami! Mtshina wami! is a song of liberation adopted as a signiture by the South African President.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:39:05 +0000

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