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Are you signed up to receive the Align Angle? We send it out every other week. Heres this weeks, including the podcast where Mona and Brittany talk about motivation. In our HR consulting practice, the question we may hear more often than any other is, How do we motivate employees? Its probably being asked because employees seem to be unmotivated as compared to their former level of want to. If your crew isnt coming in the door looking happy to be there anymore, here are some things the boss can do. Ask yourself what changed at work. Is there more stress; or was there a specific stressor? Did a key employee leave? Did you lose or gain a large client? Did you just deliver annual salary adjustments and/or performance appraisals? Ask yourself what you can do to address this. Do you need to circle up the wagons and have a motivational chat with everyone? Do you need to talk to an employee one-on-one? Do you need to monitor your own visible level of enthusiasm and crank it up a bit? Ask the employees to perk up. Most bosses dont bother saying flat out, You need to show me more enthusiasm for this job. If you go this route, be ready to explain what showing more enthusiasm will look like - and to hear them tell you why they arent enthusiastic (and why thats your fault). Sure, motivation to do a good job is best when it comes from inside a person. But if employees seem less motivated now than when they first began the job, chances are something changed. Its up to you to figure out what that is and how to address it. But under no circumstances should you slap them and yell, Snap out of it!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 19:57:25 +0000

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