Are you still undecided as to whom to vote - MR or MS ?!?!?! (Part - TopicsExpress


Are you still undecided as to whom to vote - MR or MS ?!?!?! (Part 1) If you are one who is still in such an undecided state, you probably don’t like MR too much (for whatever reasons) BUT more importantly you are also NOT convinced of this ‘kenda heliya’ alliance and how such diverse groups could work together, when you have always known each of them to be quite divergent in their views and approaches to different issues. So what are the major issues here: 1. How is this alliance going to work in practice ? What is really going to happen after Jan 9, if MS wins, not only in the next 100 days ... but even beyond ? 2. What is CBK’s role if at all, in this new Govt ? 3. If MS wins wont we go back to a period of a War or at least where the Tamil Diaspora becomes more stronger and our sovereignty as a nation is compromised ? 4. Won’t Sri Lanka be a place, where the prominence of the Sinhala Buddhist is lost, due to the ‘agenda’ of the Muslims or any other minority group. as now all such minority forces have pledged alliance to MS (a concern of some Sinhala Buddhists) ? First of all one needs to understand the purpose as to why this alliance took place in the first instance. As some of you may have already realised, this alliance should NOT be confused with a SEPARATE political party. Its merely an agreement between different political parties to work together to: • get rid of the present President because of his Dictator like conduct and the obvious ‘nepotism’ that co-exists and • to abolish the present Exec. Presidential system and thereby amend the existing constitution as well, in terms of how this country is to be governed in the future. So all what they are doing up to 8th Jan is ‘working’ together to defeat the present ‘dictator’. Once that is achieved by Jan 9, we will see a General Election in the horizon (within the 100 days) as parliament will be dissolved by the incumbent President once he comes into power. Of course there will be an interim Govt till then, between Jan 10 (the day scheduled for the swearing in of the New President) and the day when the General Election results are made public. At that General Election there will be a new party probably called UNF, which will essentially be a coalition between the present UNP and the dissident SLFP members (of MS). Other parties such as JVP, JHU, SLMC, TNA are unlikely to abandon their party identities and join with the UNF to CONTEST at this election, although such support is MOST likely when FORMING the new Govt thereafter. Here too parties such as SLMC, TNA, JHU and even JVP may NOT necessarily abandon their party identities in the new parliament, although they will be a part of the coalition Govt. (for example just like say JHU was with MR’s Govt until recently) However the new constitution that would come into play will include ONLY what has already been suggested and presented in the ‘Maithree Paalanayak’ manifesto, nothing more, nothing less. So getting that passed with the required 2/3 majority in parliament is NOT going to be an issue with all these coalition party members voting in favour of that change. It is in that Govt elements such as an independent judiciary, independent police commission etc. etc. (which are already made public through the Maithree Paalanayak manifesto) will exist. So MR and his clan will effectively become the new opposition (with whatever members left with MR by that time) provided they don’t already jump the country by then. If they so ‘abandon ship’ whoever is left in SLFP will become the new opposition. As for the issue of CBK’s role in the new Govt .... (well I know some of you will now get very sceptical with me, but the reality is) she will have NO real role at all. I am NOT certain whether she will return to England or stay in Sri Lanka ... BUT her ‘real’ agenda would have been fulfilled long before even the formation of this new Govt ... which really is to get rid of MR as the Dictator President, he has become. Although she will not admit publicly, all she has is ‘unsettled business’ with MR. OK, from the sceptics I ask this .... Let’s just say she is still power hungry as you think (for argument’s sake) ... Do you honestly think, that if so, her alleged power hunger could be satisfied with any position other than the Presidency or the Premiership, when she has already been the Exec. President of this country for two full terms. She is NOT in this .... for the Power. She just wants to ‘rub MR’s face in the dirt’ and also more importantly let him know, that it was she, who orchestrated the process from day one. Its just an ego thing. Now before the ‘holier than thou’ MR supporters ask me ..... whether such revenge is a part of the Yahapalanaya ..... Well I say “NO” .... but as for her (who is NOT going to be a part of the new SL equation) .... its just a bonus to see that happen. ‘Yahapalanaya’ WILL take place at a more strategic level within this country as expected with the commissions etc., coming into force and with a Prime Minister who is responsible to the Cabinet. So the ‘Yahapaalanaya’ will happen as per the Maithri Chandrasena Paalana manifesto BTW, this is NOT the story as I see it .... it IS the story ... I just could NOT be this blunt about it till now for obvious reasons .... How am I that sure .... you may ask ... Well that my FB friends, is for me to know and for you to (probably) never find out .... may be after Jan 9. As for Qs 3 and 4 I will deal with those two issues in Part 2 to this post as this is already long enough. I hope this post has cleared your doubts as far as the first two Qs were concerned, and you are now able to vote more clearly. If still you have unanswered issues, you may post as comments ... but please note only ‘Madin thora’ intellectually stimulating political dialogue/queries are welcome ...
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 06:49:26 +0000

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