Are you struggling with the rapidly shifting consciousness, - TopicsExpress


Are you struggling with the rapidly shifting consciousness, wondering how to provide for yourself in the newly forming paradigm? You are not alone! Stop pushing against the tidal wave of change! On Dec. 21st, 2012 the Time Matrix unlocked, thrusting the entire planetary hologram into void-space. We are currently in the transition phase...when the out-dated 3D system is collapsing while the new 5D framework is expanding into reality. Dont wait any longer - jump in, take the leap into 5D Quantum Living! Find out why external effort and time management are a waste of time now, and what you need to do that actually works. If you are tired and struggling to shift out of the competitive, judgmental, ego-driven world - then you may be an ideal candidate for 5D Quantum Living! Drawing from 20 years of Ascension experience, Meg Benedicte developed a time-tested program that will rocket you into the stratosphere of higher consciousness, so that you too can alter the course of your life forever. Learn how to use your energy field in the new 5D method, shifting into the vertical flow of life force. Let go of the old mental patterns of manifesting, they no longer work. Step into the Quantum Vortex and accelerate your energy frequency and personal evolution into living as a Divine Human. Meg Benedicte will guide you through the steps to activate your Torus Merkaba Light Body and Souls Blueprint. Join other Spiritual Leaders in this cutting-edge consciousness movement as we birth alive a New Earth paradigm. The Course is designed to accelerate personal Ascension into 5D Living. The next Teleseminar Series starts Thursday, September 18th. We will meet for 6 Telecast/Webcasts which include weekly Training Handout and Home Exercises, Live High Frequency Activations, and class Q&A. The 6 Teleseminars are presented in a stair-step sequence that builds a solid foundation for 5D Quantum Living. The Teleseminar Series focuses on: Enhancing physical health, increasing energy frequency, learning how to protect personal space and stop empathing others, learning non-attachment, appropriate exchange of 5D energy, eliminating parasitic relationships, opening the flow of abundance, mastering the ego, activating the Torus Merkaba, accessing the quantum field of all possibilities...and many more 5D tips! Week 1) Increase Energy Frequency – Contain Private Space Week 2) Mental Clarity, Focus, Non-Attachment Week 3) Emotional Balance Week 4) 5D Relating Week 5) 5D Manifesting Week 6) 5D Bridge to Soul Union 6 Week Teleseminar Course $695 SAVE $200 Register before August 10th - $495 Dates: Thursdays, September 18th - October 23rd Time: 5:30pm Pacific/ 8:30pm Eastern Register at: newearthcentral/event-registration/?ee=74 All Teleseminars are recorded for download replay. All Activations/Healings are encoded for all time in the Quantum Vortex, and are effective no matter when you participate. HERE ARE SOME COMMENTS FROM PAST ATTENDEES: The Teleseminar is so very empowering, sourcing us with the most precious knowledge to live our Souls Purpose and help create a New Earth. - Gisela I liked so many things about the Teleseminar: the ability to ask questions, the exercises, the clear and concise handouts, the powerful activations. I even appreciated the two breaks when we didnt meet because it gave me more time to integrate the lessons. This was one of the most powerful and effective classes Ive ever taken. I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about their transformation. - Darlene Wow, the content is exceptional. I have not been able to be live on the calls because of schedule conflicts but never feel like I miss a thing. I love the ability to get the material both written and verbal. I love that the activations mp3 is provided separately so its easy to use daily. I feel like this is exactly what I needed for my next step though its not really a step, but a way of life. I have a deeper knowing of who I am, its comforting and exciting and a relief. Im going to say the teleseminar was about the right length because I didnt think it was too long and you have to end it somewhere that makes sense to you but I could honestly go on forever. - Toni I liked the clarity of thought, allowing more pieces of the puzzle to come together, showing the direction we need to take to move forward in the 5D dimension and leaving 3D confusion behind. Not an easy task but with the map you have shared with us we are on our way. Without your direction we would still be treading water. My world has changed so much. Thank you!!! - Barbara Having the recordings of the activations is wonderful. To be able to return to them when needed is very helpful. Thank you Meg. I appreciate your openness with assisting all of us through out the 10 weeks.Being able to share what we all were going through and getting help as needed. I so appreciate all your learning, sharing, and teaching. To assist all of us to flow smoother into 5D living. Namaste sister. - Priya Thank you so much for the light youre spreading into the world, all your efforts and work making these 5D energies knowledge and awareness available to all of us, is beyond priceless. So grateful youre with us at this time on the planet. What could I manifest in 5D Quantum Living - its truly exciting for me! because it has been hard for several years and now all of a sudden Im beginning to see things shifting, it stirs me up! - Paula I found the activations very powerful in helping move the energy. It is very beneficial to apply what we learned in our daily reality. I found multi-faceted benefits to shifting patterns and integrating the 5D energies. - Sue I liked everything about the event. Meg has such keen insights and is a wonderful speaker and presenter. - Sandra It was all interesting - mostly I appreciate the clear and precise answers given to questions. - Louise Im always amazed at what I continue to learn when Im ready to hear and experience the energy and healing. Such a powerful process. It helped keep me focused on whats important during these most challenging times. Answering questions after the meditation / activations. - Maryann This seminar was delivered during a transitional time often referred as a tipping point for energy to get grounded in the new earth. It was of momentous value to have something to anchor on while waiting for the wind beneath our wings to appear. I am sure it allowed many individuals to avoid depression during this transition time; which seems to be a common thread with many Lightworkers. The last few classes will now set the stage for the integration during the next few months. - Susan
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:03:21 +0000

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