Are you tired of Christians claiming that because their religion - TopicsExpress


Are you tired of Christians claiming that because their religion has billions of followers, it MUST be true?!?!? Me too. Here are 7 rebuttals to that from James Kirk Wall: 1. The words, as cherry picked as they are, or love and tolerance attributed to Jesus attract many followers. 2. The church (when under good leadership) provides social support, traditions, customs, brotherhood and other commonalities that have served to strengthen communities. 3. Any religion that promotes large families has Darwinian advantages in survival. 4. Nomadic religions have Darwinian advantages over local gods that are immobile. 5. The ruling class found the religion useful to subjugate the peasants and therefore promoted it. Turn the other cheek and don’t worry about subjugation in this life because there will be pie in the sky when you die is just the philosophy that rulers want for their subjects. Christianity allows the establishment of a priesthood and church that will grant tyrants divine approval. Christianity and political power have walked hand in hand for many centuries. 6. The religion was spread throughout the world by powerful nations. In my own area of the world millions of South Americans and African Americans call themselves Christian. But in examining history, was this due to the words of a book or the blood of a sword? 7. Heaven and Hell. The great promise and the great threat. Love Jesus and you exist forever without fear of death. Don’t love Jesus and burn for all eternity. Now that’s one hell of a marketing campaign. THIS explains why Christianity is the worlds dominant religion. It has nothing to do with it being true.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:02:32 +0000

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