Are you tired of being a slave to the rat race? If so, you have - TopicsExpress


Are you tired of being a slave to the rat race? If so, you have probably thought about how you could make money independently. But after seeing scam after scam on the Internet, you might wonder if theres any hope for making money on your own. Well, maybe you are approaching the matter in an incorrect way. Instead of searching for a get-rich-quick scheme, you need to be focusing on building a legitimate business. This is the only way you can truly secure your financial freedom. Yet, if you dont have much capital, what businesses can you establish? Well... Thanks to the ease of self-publishing, any person, rich or poor can start a magazine business! Thats right! A person of virtually any budget can begin journeying into one of the most prosperous businesses on the planet... magazine publishing. All they need is time, creativity and an open mind. Large amounts of money arent needed, as its possible to publish magazines for as low as $1 per copy! But dont start jumping for joy just yet. Even though magazine publishing is fun and relatively easy to get into, most authors prefer to self-publish books. As a result, there are very few resources either online or offline that tell you EXACTLY what you need to do to achieve success as a magazine self-publisher. And the few resources that are available give information that is so general, you almost want to get a refund for wasting both your time and money. So, does this mean you should abandon any hope of starting your own magazine company? Of course not! You just need to look elsewhere for your information. And fortunately for you, this site can be that elusive place. Why? Its because The Complete Guide Fully Explains the Secrets to Creating, Publishing and Marketing Your Own Magazine... You will learn how you can turn a basic magazine into an enterprise so successful, while spending little capital! What other business allows you to sell your own product with such a low startup? Indeed, you would be doing a disservice to yourself if you avoid getting this little-known information! Affordable Printing Options for Your Magazine 1) Print-on-Demand Learn about printing companies that charge less than $120 for a set of 25 magazines. If you can sell each magazine for $10, youve already made a profit of $130! 2) Hiring Entrepreneurial Printers If you dont mind getting individuals to do your work, you can get your magazine printed at even lower prices! you will learn about a resource that will have hundreds of professional printers clamoring for your assignment! Heres How To Order To Right Now! smart-authors/product/make-thousands-by-publishing-your-own-magazine/ Special Offer - .99 for next 20 orders only!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:12:59 +0000

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