Are you tired of these anti-American actions from the Democrat - TopicsExpress


Are you tired of these anti-American actions from the Democrat trying to take away your rights as citizens of America? Then impeach them, file on them for fraud. Challenge Obama to prove his a natural born citizen with the fraudulent documents. Im tired of the attacks on the People of America. We are NOT the ENEMY! It appears that Obamas latest fraud connected to Obamacare was lying about its coverage to get more support but was finally caught. That is fraud with intent and they wanted to take away your freedom and rights through Obamacare. The right to enter your house on demand when they want to, was in a healthcare package? What was this doing in there? This corrupt regime must be stopped at all costs and stopped now. NO VOTES FOR DEMOCRATS as they want to take over this Country and order your life as slaves. SOUND FAMILIAR? YOU BET. the Democrats are the ones who have made slaves of the China people, closed our factories and moved them to china. Fired American Citizens, cut their hours, lowered their pay, and the benefits are going to be stopped. Obamacare turns out to be nothing more than a money grab of lies. $3750 a year deductible plus over $500 per month fee? Oh yeah, less than 40 hours, food, fuel, rent or buy, and car and Obamacare? Why have we not heard from the Insurance Companies? This current Government is stealing, lying, and cheating ALL PEOPLE including you Democrats our here. I bet you thought he wouldnt do that to you. Well, Islam and Obama will lie and then shoot you in the back of the head like the cowards they are. Welcome to socialism. I dont want the Constitution gone. Hows that? I dont want these criminals in power any longer. I want to see them arrested, locked up, and charged with Treason against America. What do they have to do to be locked up? Obama has already killed, Holder has already killed, Hillary has already killed, what is it going to take for you people to see the take over of our Country right in front of your eyes?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:50:05 +0000

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