Are you tired or weary? Devote time to do nothing but clearing - TopicsExpress


Are you tired or weary? Devote time to do nothing but clearing your mind and resting. Rest in God. NO DISTRACTIONS for several hours. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Take a step back to see the bigger picture. Find a way to simplify what is on your plate. Are you afraid? Are you afraid of reaching certain goals and then plateauing (going no higher or no further)? Are you afraid of doing what you need to do and feeling unhappy about it in the end? Weve got to see fear as irrational. Remember 2 Timothy 1:7, which says For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Are you hurting? Recognize that it takes real time to heal. You cannot make yourself stop hurting emotionally or physically. So stop putting pressure on yourself to do so. Invite God in and let Him heal you as you seek Him in prayer as time progresses. Uninspired? Try changing your routine. Put yourself in a new environment. Try to gain a new perspective by reading healthy and insightful material you might not normally read. Look at art, design, various ads, something humorous, nature, etc. for inspiration. Youd be surprised at what those things can do for you. Are you unorganized? Do you keep forgetting what you are to do on certain days? Then get organized. Clean up your living/work space. Use a calendar and a planner to keep in mind any important dates that might be coming up. I hope this helps someone. God bless and have a great Monday!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:36:35 +0000

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