:) Are you tooooo Nice? Its not normal..... Change Your Attitude - TopicsExpress


:) Are you tooooo Nice? Its not normal..... Change Your Attitude About Having To Be Nice All The Time “The difference is too nice - Where ends the virtue or begins the vice.” ― Alexander Pope There’s a big difference between being nice because you want to, versus being nice because you have to. The first comes from your heart, while the second feels like a burden. “Nice” people often associate not doing something for someone with erroneous negative thoughts and emotions. For example: Negative Thought #1: “I’m selfish if don’t help my friends all the time. “ Negative Emotion #1: Guilt Negative Thought #2: “She won’t like me if I don’t go along with what she wants. “ Negative Emotions #2: Fear of rejection, fear of negative outcome. For “nice” people, it’s important to know that no one should be expected to be nice all the time. It’s neither reasonable nor real. If negative thoughts and emotions arise as a result of you being selective about your niceness, simply talk back to them with self-confirming responses: Self-Confirmation #1: “If I allow myself my own time, I can take better care of myself as well as others.” Self-Confirmation #2: “If I treat myself with respect, I will attract more respectful relationships in my life.” Whenever reasonable and appropriate, practice self-confirmation when you feel obligated to be nice. Each time you do so, you remind yourself that YOU ARE IMPORTANT TOO. For more information on reducing or eliminating over fifteen types of negative attitudes and feelings, see book : How to Let Go of Negative Thoughts and Emotions.”
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:51:51 +0000

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