Are you under a spell, religious or otherwise? With what are - TopicsExpress


Are you under a spell, religious or otherwise? With what are you most fascinated and why? Are you enchanted or perhaps disenchanted by stuff or things in and around your life? Things can be a matter, a concern, an inanimate object, or whatever, but things live and things give off energy. Maya Angelou said, Words are things. Words cast spells, whether its the so-called Word of God or the word of humans about God or gods, written or spoken. We spell words and words spell us. A spell is a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation. There are spell binding preachers, teachers, performers, movies, books, etc, that prove the ability to control or influence people as though they have magical power over them or us. Many of my detractors are afraid that I am awakening them from their religious spell, one with which they have become familiar and comfortable. In many ways, we are all in a state of enchantment caused by forms, formulas and words. Breaking the spell, or breaking out of it, can be a huge challenge, one that can last throughout a lifetime. We even cast spells on ourselves with words we speak, to or about ourselves. We are created, creative and creating beings, incessantly. What you believe, say and think, create what you experience and express in, with and as your life. Spell your words correctly because you will live by and under that same spelling, correct or incorrect, accurate or inaccurate! You are in charge, so take charge and take change seriously! Much Love!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:44:33 +0000

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