Are you what recruiters are looking for? Written by Tatenda - TopicsExpress


Are you what recruiters are looking for? Written by Tatenda Chatikobo Hiring is about more than just selecting the candidate with the most qualifications. Managers hire strategically, favouring candidates who have the right attitude and who show they are more likely to adapt with the ever transforming business environments. Creative candidates who are willing to learn new skills and take up additional responsibility are more likely to get hired over those who have the most qualifications. Here are some of the things that recruiters look for in candidates, beyond the hard skills to do the job. 1. Confidence No organisation wants to hire someone with low self-esteem. Confidence is important as it will assist you in navigating through career development, learning and taking up added responsibility. People who generally feel good about themselves are more likely to be able to cope comfortably with the ups and downs of work, taking risks that will ultimately benefit the organisation. 2. Out-of-work interests People who engage in life outside work, either through hobbies and social responsibilities like volunteering, demonstrate they are not scared of venturing into unfamiliar territory and trying new things. They seem to perceive situations and challenges with a fresh perspective that inspires innovation and creativity. Those that derive satisfaction only from their work are more likely to be disappointed when things don’t go the way they want, which is often the case in the world of work. Attending dance classes, volunteering in community projects or simply playing a sport could actually land you that dream job! 3. Flexibility about career choices While having set goals and ambitions - with a carefully planned and structured course of action of reaching those goals - is good, unfortunately it is seldom realistic in today’s world. A person who is rigid and inflexible about what he or she wants to become can get too fixated on the future, not giving enough attention to the present, which could affect their performance negatively. Employers want to hire someone who is flexible enough to break new ground and willing to take detours in their career paths if need be. They will rather hire someone with an interest in other career options that may exist in the organisation as well. 4. Problem solvers Employers want someone who has a good eye for detail - foreseeing potential problems before they occur – and an ability to take initiative in solving them. Gone are the days where decision making was centralised with instructions coming from the big boss. Today decision making is a shared responsibility for everyone in the organisation with employers looking for proactive problem solvers. 5. Possessing natural curiosity People who are able to critically analyse the process and challenge the status quo assist in bringing in change that could actually give the organisation a competitive advantage. People who are naturally curious generate innovative ideas that will ultimately transform the organisation making it sustainable and profitable.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:35:01 +0000

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