Are you worried today? Is your heart ill at ease? Go outside - TopicsExpress


Are you worried today? Is your heart ill at ease? Go outside tonight and talk to the stars. They have known you since your birth. Tell them what they, in their silent and boundless wisdom, already know about you. Take your time in the telling. The stars sparkle brighter as they listen to a heart unburdening itself. There is nothing more they would rather do than listen to what you have to say. Have you no words for what you are feeling? Unlock your heart and let it spill forth from there. It is a better form of expression for the stars anyway. But don’t expect them to answer. No. Their express purpose is to listen to your laughter and outcry and feel your pain and joy. You will have many things to say. Don’t rush. Savor the undivided attention the stars afford. They love detail and tangential thought processes. When once you have finished, and you think there is nothing left to say, stand quietly and wait. Now the stars are sending your heartspeech to the universe. As you wait, the earth you stand on will begin to weep. Remembering what it bestowed on you at your conception, it weeps for 1) that which has just come from within you and, 2) the knowledge you are about to receive. Do not be embarrassed for the earth as it weeps – be silent and let it cry out in trebled anguish and moan in basso profundo. The only comfort it needs from you is your presence and silent acceptance of its tears. As you accept the weeping of the earth, do not be alarmed at the quiet and powerful expansion of your heart at this time. It is only the universe sending its answer to you on the wind. Turn and face it. Open your eyes, your mouth, your nostrils. Breathe in the knowledge being sent to you. The knowledge that will feel right and familiar. The knowledge that was there inside you all along, but which the universe has now validated for you. Breathe it in deeply. Let it do its work. Let it fill every crevice in your soul. When you are full, the earth will ask something of you. Before you leave, the earth needs your tears poured onto it so its work and the work of the universe can be complete. Empty the tears you have onto its breast. You will want to deny that you have any tears. But it will not be true. Because you have many, many tears. You have all those tears you held back when it didn’t seem like it was the right time, or for the right reason, or with the right person. Cry those tears. Pour them out now for the sake of your soul…which is the earth…which is the universe. When once you have emptied your tears upon the earth, face the wind again and let it gently swaddle your heart for safekeeping. For it knows your heart is tender and gentle and compassionate and cannot take much more pain. You are loved…
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 21:19:14 +0000

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