Are your Bamboo Soakers Stiff? Heres why.....bamboo inserts - TopicsExpress


Are your Bamboo Soakers Stiff? Heres why.....bamboo inserts are super stiff if you are stuffing nappies straight from the line (again, like jeans, they also loosen just through standing. So fabrics left in a drawer for a few days will be softer than those straight from line). If you dont use fabric softener on fabrics, they go stiff. Its nothing special to nappies, its just that you cant use softeners so youre noticing it more. In actual fact, thr stiffness is from the fibres being clean and static, which means better absorbency! Softeners work by charging the fibres with acidity (hence vinegar) so that they positively bond (reducing static) and flatten which makes them more slippery and loosens the weave (as does conditioner in your hair: its not oils or other lubricant ingredients that make it work, its the low PH! Dont go falling for all that oils of apple nonsense!!) The reason you dont want to use softeners on fabrics used for soaking wees and poos is a) the acid residue will lift with fluid contact and only further contribute to the acidity already in wees and poos. This will equate to rash. b) fabric treated with softeners repel water. They contain lubricants and the positive charge mentioned above (remember that rubbing a spoon into clothing to create charge before putting it near running water trick you probably did as kids?). So if youre wanting fabrics that soak mess rather than repelling it, stiffs the way to go. c) they shorten the life of the fibres, Im guessing because of constant contact with low ph. So if your nappies are stiff straight from wash, youre probably doing great!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:21:00 +0000

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