Arent Arabs and Jews related? They are both descendants of - TopicsExpress


Arent Arabs and Jews related? They are both descendants of Prophet Abraham(as). And when you look at it this way, both Abraham(as) and Sarah were from Babil (Babylon), which is modern day Iraq, so arent they Arabs? Abraham(as) married Hagar, and Sarah agreed because she couldnt give child. Your assessment is indeed correct. Arabs and Jews share up to 40% of the same genetic material, highest among Middle Eeastern (NOT European) Jews of Israel and the Palestinians.Sarah was the half-sister of Abraham, being the daughter of his father Terah (Genesis 20:12). The Talmud identifies Sarai with Iscah, daughter of Abrahams deceased brother Haran (Genesis 11:29), so that Sarah turns to be the niece of Abraham and the sister of Lot and Milka.Abraham and Sarahs parents are from Babylon(Sumerian UR). inside the Arabian, NOT Jewish Peninsula(non Arab Iran and Israel a part of)/ Canaan/ Gods promise. Although both were Semitic, possibly Hebrew, they were NOT Jewish(Hebrew and Jewish are NOT one and the same - common misconception). Both, indeed, could have been Arabs. Biblically, Ishmael(Arabs) was born 23 years BEFORE Isaac(Jews).Technically Abraham was not Jewish-his ancestry is from Babylon inside the Arabian, not, Jewish, Peninsula/ Canaan/ Gods promised land. He was Semitic, possibly Hebrew(Jewish and Hebrew are not the same - although laypersons consider them the same), he was not Jewish-may well have been Arab. The J1 (the Arab) haplomarker has been in the region for 40,000 years-Jews are now thought to be descendants of Arabs. Both Jews and Arabs share J1 and J2(considered the Jewish haplomarker), Arabs having more of J1, the older haplomarker), Jews having more of the J2(younger haplomarker). In all honesty, Canaan wa a mix of Semitic peoples, of which Arabs were and are the largest group, and, are considered the FIRST ones there.Of all the Semitic peoples there, Arabs and Jews are the few remaining ones. The terms Qahtani are ancient Pre Islamic(contrary to popular misconception, the Arabs did not start with Isam, but many centuries before) ARABS. The Jews are now thought to be their descendants: archiver.rootsweb.ancestry/th... The Hebrew word for Arab is Arvi. The Arabs/Palestinians fought with the Romans to get back Jerusalem that was stolen from them by the Jebusites, whom the Jews stole from the Jebusites. Before the Jews invaded Jerusalem, the Arabs(West Semitic peoples) had settled Jerusalem- archaeologists, including Kathleen Kenyon, believe Jerusalem as a city was founded by West Semitic people with organized settlements from around 2600 BCE. : According to the Hebrew Bible, the Jebusites were a Canaanite tribe who inhabited and built Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David in 1004 BCE. Arab auxiliary troops joined the Roman legions besieging Jerusalem in the year 70. The Roman historian Tacitus writes in his book, The Histories (Kenneth Wellesley, translator, Penguin Books): The Histories, Book V:1 ... Titus Caesar, who had been selected by his father, to complete the conquest of Judaea and already enjoyed the reputation of a general... received added support... Awaiting him in Judaea were three Roman legions... the Fifth, Tenth, and Fifteenth... Then there were strong levies of Arabs, who felt for the Jews the hatred common between neighbors... ... et solito inter accolas odio infensa Iudaeis Arabum manus... The terms Qahtani are ancient Pre Islamic(contrary to popular misconception, the Arabs did not start with Isam, but many centuries before) ARABS. The Jews are now thought to be their descendants: archiver.rootsweb.ancestry/th... Bottom line, they were not called Arabs at that time. Later, the Palestinians were called Ishmaelites/Canaanites, but were still present before the Jews. Biblically, Ishmael(Arabs) was born before Isaac(Jews), scientifically, the J1 marker known as the Arab haplomarker, was in the region for 40,000 years, Biblically(Ishmael(Arab) born 23 YEARS BEFORE Isaac(Jew)) and scientifically(J1 haplomarker(Arabs) indicates Arabs were in the Arabian Peninsula(Israel is a part of) 40,000 years ago-literally millenia before the Jews), the Arabs were there first and are THE MAJORITY, both in true Palestine(Israel, West Bank, and Gaza strips)-that is why the region is called the ARABIAN, NOT, JEWISH, PENINSULA. The Arabs of Canaan are the Arabs of Palestine. They were there AT LEAST EQUALLY as long as the Jews/Israelis, but they had a constant presence and a defined land. The Jews were nomadic and had NO land until what was taken from the Palestinians in 1948. Source: one important FACT _ Ishmael was LEGITIMATE under Hebrew law - when a spouse is not able to perform spousal duties, the other spouse is allowed to take on ANOTHER SPOUSE to perform those spousal duties - usually a close friend(Hagar in this case) or relative. Genesis 16: And Sarah Abrahams wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abraham had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abraham to be his WIFE(my emphasis).By Hebrew tradition, when one or the other spouse can not perform their duties, the remaining spouse can the partners closest relative/ friend to legally fulfill those duties-in this case Hagar. 4 out of 5I dont know why people ignore that fact that Hagar(as) was Abrahams (as) second wife...
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:06:15 +0000

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