Aren’t all religions basically the same, anyway? I know this is - TopicsExpress


Aren’t all religions basically the same, anyway? I know this is an area that is confusing for some, but this is VERY important! The human mind and adrenal glands are quite powerful, and you MUST keep this in mind as you assess things. The fact that someone feels rosy-cheeked and warm all over as they sway to the music or ritual or group dynamics, and their depression is lifted by a dopamine and endorphin secretion—isn’t the REAL measurement of whether GOD is in it or not. You must surely acknowledge, if you are being unbiased and honest, that transcendental meditation, communing with spirit-guides while listening to crickets and waterfall music, a good massage or chiropractor’s session, a hypnotist’s silver watch swaying back and forth, the euphoria of “runner’s high,” or $30 worth of Ecstasy ... ALL have the same reported effects as a lot of “religions.” Historically, “overcoming depression” is accomplished by men in many ways. Religion, “the opiate of the people,” has long been used in every culture to salve the conscience and psyche. Human emotion and sentimentalism are NOT to be confused with BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. Let’s be realistic! All world religions have “something to offer”—or there would not be so many millions of adherents to those religions, from Hare Krishna, to Voodoo, to Catholicism, to Islam, to Moonies, to New Age, to Buddhism or Taoist thought! It is a very common fallacy that all religions are really the same—all teaching the same moral principles and all talking about the same God. According to this view, you can choose your religion like a person in a cafeteria line chooses lunch—just based on personal preference or cultural comfort zone. But according to Jesus’ own words, this cannot be so. Jesus won’t consent to being an entrée choice. In Reality, He is to be the whole banquet! All religions really aren’t the same. Eastern religions are quite diverse, but generally they teach that God is a Force, with no name or personality, existing in all things. The goal is to give up your identity and melt into this mindless thing. Tribal religions, in contrast, tend to believe in personal gods—usually a whole bunch of them. The most important gods are often a person’s own ancestors, whom he or she must appease with the proper rituals and gifts. Western religions (including some under the name of Christianity) mainly emphasize doing good deeds to earn eternal rewards from a reluctant God. Westerners tend to be very individualistic and goal oriented, even in our religions. But you know what? The Creator God decided to become one of us. He wanted to provide us a way to know Him by becoming the way. He is reigning now, His authority increasing each moment. All those who have known Him encourage you to bow your knee to Him now. Come to love Him, and get to know Him. His reign will soon be complete. So center your lives around a loving devotion to this person, and you don’t have to play the religion game at all. And if Jesus spoke the truth, there’s no way to win that game anyway! It is Scripture—the Life and Teachings and WAYS of the Master, Jesus, that define our lives and teachings and ways. “LITURGY” IS NOT CHRISTIAN!! “Liturgy” (pre-programmed, pre-planned speeches, music, services, chants, sequence of events) contradicts and disobeys the teachings of Jesus and the recorded ways of how he lived with His followers then, and therefore NOW!!! (He is RISEN, and the SAME! He is NOT now changing how He relates to His Followers. Do you really believe He chanted with them, burnt incense, did “responsive readings,” sang hymns pre-selected, practiced, and posted, or wore special clothing for a “weekly service”?? Did HE ever practice “sermons” in a mirror, from notecards? Come on now!! : )) No matter how “good” it feels to our emotions and hurts, “liturgy,” hierarchy, traditions of men, and all... are a placebo—NOT the Real Place Jesus has invited us into! What’s it worth to learn to FLY??!! “Joy inexpressible, full of GLORY”—“the Power of an Indestructible Life”—“Rivers of Alive Water gushing from within”??!! God’s ways are best. No doubt in my mind! What will you do with Jesus? Let’s return to that seacoast town where Jesus had gathered His friends. The challenge of His question—“What about you? Who do you say I am?”—is ringing in their ears. One man speaks up with conviction: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Now each person in that group must wrestle through that question. As we have seen, they unanimously come to the same conclusions. Jesus is the Christ—a word simply meaning the anointed king or ruler. And He is the Son of the Living God—meaning that He is God himself. Jesus was thrilled with that answer! “You are blessed, because this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in Heaven.” The lives of the people in that circle who embraced the answer were never the same again. And now, across the miles and the centuries, Jesus turns His face from that little group of friends and looks us in the eyes. He searches us silently for a moment, then asks us that same life-changing question: Who do you say I am? What is your answer? Will you act on your answer? If you want to be your own King, then you’ll need to save your own soul from the eternal inferno that Jesus spoke of often. Not much chance you’ll pull that off. None, in fact. So, you’ll have to live and die with your decision, and accept the consequences of your known rebellion before God. If, on the other hand, you answer by saying, “Jesus is King! He is Master! He is Creator and worthy to be praised and obeyed as my all-in-all”—then will you live like you believe this? You can go on from here forgiven of everything that you have ever done in your whole life with an expectation of the wedding feast of the Lamb, when we walk up into the arms of God and share in all of His Glory. The choice that you are making as you are sitting there is whether you are going to go on with your heart as a harlot, or go on with your heart as a virgin. With your life as dead in your transgressions…or alive to Christ Jesus. Enslaved to satan and a child of wrath…or a child of God and co-heir with Christ of all the riches of God. That’s as practical as I can give it to you. I don’t think you will have another chance that will be any more simple or straightforward. God doesn’t strike us with lightning bolts. He allows us to make a simple decision. Bend your knee to Him right now. It doesn’t matter who is watching. They are just mere mortals, a few pounds of carbon and water in a bag of skin. Don’t worry about their opinions. They can do nothing to save your soul, or to harm you. But if Jesus Christ, Lord of heaven and earth, is calling you…then bow your knee! Build on the rock of putting into practice His Word. If you ever hear anything that Jesus is saying, do something about it today. Take action today to change for Jesus. Don’t just think about it. Act on it. Jesus said this action is “building on the rock.” Now, find others that are not mere attendees of Sunday religious facilities, rather, find those churches and people that are really living it, everyday, no compromise. It’s worth everything. Do it!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:28:48 +0000

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