Arguably the most famous battle of classical antiquity was the - TopicsExpress


Arguably the most famous battle of classical antiquity was the Battle of Thermopylae, where King Leonidas with his 300 Spartans, and about four of five thousand others from various other Greek city states, stood against the might of Xerxes and the Persian army numbering about two hundred thousand. Ultimately the battle was lost and Leonidas killed; however the tactical loss was a strategic victory. It would seem that perhaps Kevin Rudd was a latter day Leonidas, with ALP polling just released suggesting that had he not relpaced Julia Gillard the recent election would have been an absolute route with an additional 15 seats being lost. Leonidas believed, based on a prophecy by an oracle, that only his death would save Greece. Thus he died for Greece. Did Rudd do the same thing? But what were their choices - without the strategic victory at Thermopylae Greece would likely have been overrun by the Persians. Without Rudd overthrowing Gillard and taking the ALP to severe electoral loss he would probably be leader of a party doomed to three terms in opposition.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 22:57:23 +0000

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