Argument against the Social Contract: There was no signed - TopicsExpress


Argument against the Social Contract: There was no signed contract therefore there is no contract, Every consent involves a submission; but a mere submission does not necessarily involve consent. (Maxims of law, Coercion at the end of violence ie: Police, Military, Barrel of a gun/end of the baton intimidation to pay taxes) Voting is not a consent to the government you did not choose, it is contesting to the party that won - and democracy is a tyranny of the majority. Constitutional Republicanism (Libertarianism by todays standards) allows you to live your life without government controlling your choices (provided they dont infringe on other peoples rights which is common law crime Blacks Law Dictionary - the original justification for government: protect peoples rights) _________________________________________ Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine percent. — Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of In dependence, 3rd President of the U. S. “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. — John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot _________________________________________ Libertarianism is not the practice of no government like you seem to think, (Thats anarchy). Its the practice of limiting government through constitution and an armed public (If you cannot defend your rights, they arent rights they are priviledges), and the government should only run sheriffs/deputies and law courts - everything else is an overstepping of their moral justification and is merely a monopoly on an aspect of the free market. History has shown that Constitutional Republicanism (Libertarianism by todays standards) has created the two most prosperous communities (countries) to ever inhabit the earth Rome and America (Rome was a republic before it became a democracy and ultimately collapsed into anarchy due to socialism and welfare which crashed the economy - being replaced by dictatorship under a procession of the Caesars) The true test of freedom and justice in a society is the ability to operate your own life without government interference. Libertarianism offers this because the belief is that you limit government to only protecting peoples rights - not forcing your beliefs on someone else who doesnt believe in what you believe (which is illiberal, even though you claim to be Liberals - you should read The Future of Freedom by Fareed Zakaria) In closing, due to the fact that someone thinks the mere paying of taxes means someone consents, makes them a moron. Sometimes people dont want to pay taxes - its stolen off their paycheck before they even get a choice and thats theft (Definition of theft: Taking that which is not yours, property in which you own no equity) As for the roads, thats paid for by gas taxes which is a user pay system, consented to by contract in commerce when you choose to buy gas - every gas buyer owns a share in the roads. If they tell you to move to a different country, you tell them: I will not leave this land, and for you to tell me to leave is a violation of my birthright to this world by god when he granted man dominion over the earth, and the commonwealth of the land with the government that YOU believe in. YOU are the tyranny of the majority history has warned of, and you have no right to exile anyone.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 16:11:30 +0000

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