Arguments online often get way out of hand. The internet is a - TopicsExpress


Arguments online often get way out of hand. The internet is a savage world where body language doesnt exist, our faces are hidden, and theres no physical cues to tell us when weve gone too far. But its deeper than that. Entrenchment is worse than ever, and the more extreme the viewpoint, the more likely it is that that person views everyone who disagrees with them as an enemy. This demonization of opposing views is not only unhealthy, its dangerous, as it leads to the dehumanization of your opponent. Historically, not a great idea. Its ironic too, because we all want to help people. We all think our way is the best way to do it and if everyone could *just see* our point of view, itd all be ok. Republicans, you genuinely want the world to be better by getting everyone the means to provide for themselves. What youre not seeing is that the world is less of an even playing ground than even you are giving it credit, and that some people simply arent in a position to even enter the race, let alone win. Democrats, you genuinely want the world to be better by covering everyones basics for them. What youre not seeing is that this money has to come from somewhere, and blanket tax sweeps or legislation on evil corporations hits small business just as hard sometimes, draining the lifeblood of the economy. Christians and deeply religious folk, you genuinely want the world to be better by providing the truth to those you meet. What youre not seeing is that the truth is a finicky thing, often tied to perspective, and spirituality tends to be an individual path to walk down. Many so called atheists even include a place in their beliefs for a higher power, they just prefer not to put a human face on it. Atheists and agnostics, you genuinely want the world to be better by dispelling myths, especially those you see as harmful to the culture. What youre not seeing is that *most* people take the good out of these practices, and become better people for it. Atrocities committed in the name of religion are no more heinous (or frequent really) than atrocities in general. We all want the same thing: a better human race. Next time you find yourself battling a friend over minimum wage laws or whose beliefs get them to Heaven fastest, try to keep that in mind. Happy Monday! =)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:39:29 +0000

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