Arguments started last week in the case of the government v. Hobby - TopicsExpress


Arguments started last week in the case of the government v. Hobby Lobby et al, wherein Hobby Lobby is saying that providing contraceptive coverage is a violation of their religious beliefs. Supporters of the Obamacare mandate want the government to force employers to provide free contraceptive coverage as part of health insurance. And there is the big OOPS in their argument. Many of those supporters are liberal women and feminists who, on the one hand, rant and rave about how the government has no business being in their bedrooms, and about how employers have no business being in their vaginas...yet AT THE SAME TIME, they WANT government and employers to be in their vaginas and bedrooms by providing them free contraception. Ladies, History shows that the great majority of the time, you cant have it both ways. Either government and employers have no place in your vaginas and bedrooms...and you should have to pay for your own contraception, or they have to pay for said contraception...and they DO have a place, because you invited them there. Let the flogging begin...
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:21:04 +0000

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