Aries: 20th - 26th OCTOBER You no doubt have a couple of - TopicsExpress


Aries: 20th - 26th OCTOBER You no doubt have a couple of deadlines or events constantly in your mind, and you know the outcome will not only draw a line under your 2014 budget, income, business, property or charity – it will also confirm how 2015 will be. The reason for these deadlines or forthcoming diary dates is practical, of course, but in astrological terms, it is because you are facing down an eclipse this week, the completion of Mercury Retrograde in November – and finally the departure of Saturn from an area of your chart affecting your finances, house, company, flat, possessions or charity. So far so good, but you must time it right. To jump to conclusions on the Thursday eclipse would be a mistake, as your visibility is low; the clarity is not there; something is being held from you, or is yet to be revealed later on. In addition, if you dive into paperwork, discussions or meetings you may well find the last gasp of Mercury Retrograde catches you. In a perfect world you would be ready to talk, sign or accept signatures after 10th November. If this is impossible, though, at least make allowances for alterations, delays, technical errors or u-turns before that date. The final 20 days of November and the entire month of December will be devoted to a clean break with the past year or two. You need to sign off on something (or someone) and take a mental load off. More importantly, it’s time to think about 2015 and beyond in a completely different way. History will not repeat. You only get one Saturn cycle in your house of money, and yours is nearly over. Just wait a bit, first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taurus: 20th - 26th OCTOBER Saturn cycles tend to freeze time. They get in the way of the natural, healthy flow of things and slow everything down. They also present you with unique challenges; you should be glad they are unique too, because after 2013 and 2014, you simply do not want to go through certain chapters again. Your former, current or potential partner may be at the heart of some of this. In other cases it is your sworn enemy, rival or opponent. Perhaps you have experienced a little of both, yet by this stage in the cycle, it is probably just one face and name which concerns you most. No matter how much it may feel as if you should pass judgements or draw conclusions about this person, especially near Thursday’s eclipse, try not to do so. An eclipse does what it says on the packet; it covers things up in an unnatural, unusual way. As Mercury is also completing his retrograde cycle you may be better off waiting to get all the facts in, before you make a judgement call. The final 20 days of November, and all of December, will move things along with some finality for you. In fact, as Christmas draws closer, it looks as though an ultimate decision may well end what has been a very heavy load to carry. In a few cases, it is your interior response which lifts the burden. In other words, nothing will actually change with, or about this person in your life – yet on the inside, you will feel the weight lifting. For the majority of Taurus people, though, this is about closure. No wonder you want to hurry the whole thing up, yet a wait-and-see policy may serve you better this week. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gemini: 20th - 26th OCTOBER While your ruling planet Mercury is still completing his lengthy retrograde cycle, you do need to hold your horses. At any other time this year, you would be able to proceed full-tilt into discussions, paperwork or information-gathering, in the hopes that you could get your daily workload or body on track. Instead, it may not be until early November that you can say you know exactly where you stand. The partial solar eclipse on Thursday 23rd October is another reason to take your time. This rather peculiar astronomical event is also a striking astrological motif; it lets you know the natural order of things has been disrupted. Also, strangely, you may not even know why – until much later on. For this reason, you may prefer to let a few more wheels spin around before you call judgement on the situation now affecting your working life or your body so much. In actual fact, you do not have too much longer to wait, once you are near the middle of November. From that point forward until Christmas, you are in the very last stage of the most notoriously challenging cycle in 29 years. What happened to you in 2013 in terms of your lifestyle, physical condition or professional commitments was a life lesson you would have given anything to avoid. This year has been better, but you must still be longing for the day when you can get up and start your day without automatically having to ring-fence particular worries about your job or your body! (If you don’t work, of course your ‘job’ is your studies or your volunteer role). The good news is, Saturn’s departure from Scorpio as the Christmas lights go up, is also a green light. An easier 2015 is close. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancer: 20th - 26th OCTOBER In many ways the next few weeks is the answering call to 2013 and the difficult choices you had to make. Saturn’s arrival in the Fifth House of your solar chart gave you very few options where your children, young relatives or godchildren were concerned. If they were not an issue, then the next (younger) generation in a work or personal context certainly was. Then there are issues about fertility, stepchildren, adoption, termination or your biological clock which may linger still. In short, the challenges you have faced since Saturn changed signs to Scorpio have been entirely about the generations which succeed you, and the way you feel about leaving some kind of legacy to them. This week picks up the thread, as your ruler the Moon is involved in a partial solar eclipse on Thursday 23rd October, preceding a chain of crucial patterns in your chart which will end this cycle for good. Fair enough; it is time that you got on with this intensely personal part of your life without automatically having to field anxieties or put up with situations which never seem to get any easier! The key to an easy exit from the most difficult cycle in 29 years is not to try and rush things now. In fact, you are not being shown the full story. The eclipse blots out the entire truth and reality and it would be a mistake to judge too soon. Mercury has also been retrograding through the same zone of your chart, and there is still some of the tapestry to piece back together. Under these circumstances, you would hardly want to call anything final at the moment. From mid-November, though, wheels turn firmly and in the right direction at last. You need closure. You need to draw a line under one episode, and prepare for a new story which will be a great deal more comfortable and easy for you, than what you put up with in the last two years (and especially in 2013). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leo: 20th - 26th OCTOBER The partial solar eclipse on Thursday 23rd October falls in Scorpio. Normally this would mean a straightforward new beginning with your family, household, flat, home town, house or homeland. Instead, you will not be shown the full story – yet. On the same day Venus, the planet of co-operation and paired-up collaboration also enters Scorpio, so although you do have a much closer two-way street ahead of you (in terms of your place, or your people) you also have low visibility. In addition to this, Mercury needs to complete his retrograde shadow cycle, also in Scorpio, and this will not be over until 10th November. Perhaps adopting a wait-and-see policy is best, but do hang onto your end of the see-saw with this crucial person who is sharing your property, family, household or home town pathway. If you can make allowances for backwards-and-forwards progress for the next two weeks, with the usual communication failures or technical problems, you will still end up ready for a final decision later. It seems likely to be dramatic. In fact, you might say that November-December is about signing off from the one issue which has weighed you down (and dragged in pace) for so long. Believe it or not, by January you will be able to come home to wherever you belong, without automatically having to deal with the weight on one shoulder. And you will be able to take your place within the family circle or household in a lighter, easier way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virgo: 20th - 26th OCTOBER There was a time when you could think about the internet, the media, publishing, your computer, your phone or other communication central concerns – without furrowing your brow. Not only do you still have a hard memory to bear from 2013, you also now have some concerns about the future, created all too quickly this year. No wonder you want to turn some wheels and move beyond this – no matter if it is closure on the last 24 months or some kind of sturdy management of a future issue you don’t want. Normally, one might look at your horoscope this week and say ‘Go right ahead’ – but we have an eclipse blocking your view – and also your ruler Mercury is still completing his retrograde cycle. In actual fact, you are very near the end of this phase in your life. You have lived with constant challenges and concerns – and bugbears – for so long, it may seem bordering on the occult that you should ever be able to go online, write, publish, speak, use computers and so on – without having to stoop a little. The stopping will end at Christmas, though, when either the person, project, organisation or situation disappears for good – or more curiously, it remains, but you are no longer affected. In all cases to get there from here, you need to slow down this week. If you plunge into massive decisions or sweeping action on this eclipse, and also while Mercury is still completing his loop, you could thwart your own progress. The wrapping-up you need to do will happen in earnest from mid-November and by the time Father Christmas and his reindeer are en route from the North Pole, your issues are basically over. To try and race to the finishing line now would actually be to entertain more delays, changes or u-turns. Worth a thought. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Libra: 20th - 26th OCTOBER It is quite understandable that you should want to plunge into the paperwork or discussion, or do some serious fact-finding. This is your money, house or flat after all. This is your business, charity or your precious possessions. In a week like this, though, when precious little is available or visible, you may want to give yourself a clear fortnight before you are finally in a position to gather your facts and line up your numbers in a row. Apart from anything else, the Mercury Retograde cycle is yet to complete. The clue is in the name – Mercury rules merchants, and merchandise and also the markets. Given that the entire world will be in a kind of Gordian knot as October ends, economically or in the markets – perhaps you will have your own trickle-down effect to deal with. Even if your budget is based on ceramic containers (the piggy-bank on the fridge) or Saturday car-boot markets, you may still be dealing with u-turns, waiting games, hitches or glitches until mid-November is well within sight. Naturally you only long to be free of a particular situation, person or organisation – or at least free of caring. You will be relived to know the end is now in sight. In fact, a great many people born under your sign already know this; there is a wrap-up process by January or maybe the start of a new arrangement. You have so much to look forward to, Libra, as 2015 will be such a relief after the financial, business, property or other marketplace realities of late 2012, 2013 (a truly difficult year) and 2014 itself. In the meantime you may want to end the cycle with less angst by studiously avoiding any snap judgements or rapid swipes this week. This Saturn phase took you a long time to get into; it’s worth taking a good few weeks to climb out of it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorpio: 20th - 26th OCTOBER What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Your name has been more of a chewy affair, though, these last two years. Saturn has been lodged in Scorpio, your own sign, which rules your own label, brand, Google listing and Twitter moniker. In 20th century astrology, to have Saturn in your own sign put the emphasis on your good standing; your reputation. Now, with so much activity in Scorpio, you must feel as if at last you can put something to rest, or at least replace the old with the new for 2015. Not only an eclipse, but also Venus, suggests a shift of gears this week. Just make sure you know the road rules with eclipses. They conceal, rather than reveal. They are peculiar and unusual. Far from being a new beginning, there is something about this apparent fresh start for your reputation or name which is partly hidden, and yet to be fully disclosed. Bear that in mind as you proceed. It may be business cards, a website or just your name on paper somewhere, but there are better times to pass dramatic judgements about your Me agenda or swing into motion on your biggest priorities. This is also apparent because of Mercury’s long retrograde transit through Scorpio – again, your sign, your name. In a very few cases the issue has not been your image, it has been your personal appearance; the way you dress, the way you physically appear. Again, nobody really wants to see Saturn loitering in this zone of their chart for as long as you have endured. As Christmas approaches it will become very clear to you that either the issue is going away, or you no longer care about it. This also applies to your name, online and in the real world too. This week may seem to you like part of the long goodbye to this cycle; a week in which you can be proactive and pursue solutions or a new chapter. In fact, it is rather misleading as the emotions and intentions will be there, but not the framework you require. That comes later, from mid-November. Treat this week as a chance for soul-searching and note taking, but that is all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sagittarius: 20th - 26th OCTOBER You have really lasted the distance with this Saturn cycle, which has given so many people born under your sign a very difficult secret to keep, with all the guilt and inner torment that goes with the territory. In other cases, what you have been hiding from others is not so much a secret, as yourself – plain and simple. A very great part of you has been submerged, like the greater part of an iceberg, and it has felt just as cold and hard as that – not a journey you particularly want to repeat. The Twelfth House of your solar chart is where Saturn has lodged himself since late 2012 and now he is preparing to move on. Whatever has been classified or confidential in your life has been really hard work. Whatever has been a state secret has been a heavy load to carry. Whatever you did (even) behind the scenes, hidden firmly behind other faces or names, has dragged on. Quite naturally you want to know when it’s going to end, and how. And your instincts are telling you that this week is part of the process. The only issue is the fact that part of the jigsaw is still missing. The picture is not complete. This is a function of the eclipse, when there is heavy coverage in the sky, but also a rather sustained cover-up job by the universe, where it affects you most – with your secrets, your classified information, your confidential projects or your desperately private concerns. This is the stuff of your soul, Sagittarius, and you will find it becomes far easier after mid-November when Mercury is finally back on track, after weeks of retrograde motion. By then the Sun in Scorpio will also be moving on, far away from the eclipse with all its concealment this week. Next year will feel very different to the last two years. You went through a great deal, especially in 2013, when you learned a difficult lesson that others have learned before you, but no doubt never shared publicly. Now, you must hang on just a little bit longer, wait for things to clear, and for all the information and knowledge you need to be firmly in your hands. After that, 2015 starts calling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capricorn: 20th - 26th OCTOBER By rights, you should be pursuing issues involving the group (that team, club, network or tribe which challenges you every time you think about it). Alternatively the issue has not been a circle of people, but a particular friend; again, it is hard to think about this person without automatically wincing on the inside! At this time of year, with a New Moon and also the arrival of Venus into this sector of your chart, it would be usually be a brand new month of momentum and determination to either eradicate the issue, or at least to no longer be so affected by it. Instead, we have a clouded picture which you must not trust; not for a single minute. What appears to be a fresh start or change in direction on the eclipse, this Thursday 23rd October, should actually be regarded as ‘to be continued’ and preferably taking into account ‘more to be revealed, next episode.’ This is not just the eclipse at work; Mercury is also completing his loop through the zone of your chart which rules groups of all kinds, and of course any friends involved with those groups. If you can wait for another fortnight a great deal more will become known. From that point on, the second half of November and December as a whole will resolve more in six weeks, than you have seen in six months. For a simple life, though, you may prefer to wait and watch, until at least 10th November, before you leap into action or draw sweeping conclusions. By January? Expect relief and release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquarius: 20th - 26th OCTOBER It appears as if your boss, colleague, employee or client (perhaps two from that list) has been a deep source of concern this year. And beyond that, you are still not completely recovered from an episode in late 2012 or 2013 which pulled you up short, in terms of the realities of your chosen profession, field, course, business or industry. Of all the Saturn cycles which are the toughest to deal with, Saturn in your Tenth House is one of the most notorious, because it strikes at the heart of your biggest ambitions, and also your most important position in life. As the cycle slowly draws to a close (it will be history by Christmas) you are about to hit a very intense, concentrated short burst of decision-making and also decisive events. The trick is good timing, though. Despite the eclipse this week, and the arrival of Venus at the top of your chart, there is no real reason to rush a choice or race to a conclusion. It may well be that the end of the year will coincide with departures or arrivals on the work front, or where university or volunteering is concerned. It may quite naturally see the end of some projects and plans, and the commencement of others. All of this momentum is back-announced this week, but there is a caveat; you will not be shown the full and complete story. This is very natural on an eclipse; there is always something missing. More to the point, Mercury has been retrograding through this same zone of your chart, so you have hardly had the good communication and information flow you need. If you can possibly wait until mid November to allow all the pieces to fall into place you will avoid calling the shots when you can’t see all the things you need to see. This will save you time and energy later; it may even help you avoid something far more difficult. Try to keep your eyes on Christmas, with a view to using the next week or two to ponder the past; peruse the future; roll around your options. Later (much later) the decision works. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pisces: 20th - 26th OCTOBER The Ninth House of your horoscope was associated with long sea voyages centuries ago. In the 20th century it was linked to hot air balloons. In the 21st century we associate it with the internet (instant global travel in the mind) and of course, with the 24- hour world we all inhabit, connected by airlines, e-mail and rolling Twitter feeds. You would hope for a life where your connections with European, Australasian or American faces was easy as a result; instead many Pisces people have been labouring with a particularly different regional or international connection. You may want to get the whole thing over and done with this week, with a view to drawing a line under 2014, but please be aware that an eclipse is obscuring your vision of the full story and the Mercury Retrograde cycle has also resulted in patchy information and an incomplete narrative. Wait until at least 10th November to find out where you actually stand. Beyond travel and foreign or regional connections, the Ninth House of your horoscope is also associated with study and teaching (both on a formal and informal level) and publishing, no matter if it is your blog or a book. This may also be where you long to wrap something up, no matter if you desire to replace a problem with a solution or just move on to new things in 2015. If only life was that simple! Again, your issue is the eclipse twinned with the end of a very long Mercury Retrograde cycle, when although the intentions and feelings may be strong on your part, the environment is just out of kilter. You can’t see enough and you don’t know enough (yet) to make a really decisive judgement call. Or – you could try – but you may find you are beset by delays, u-turns or even a complete return to the drawing board by next month. There is a certain inevitability about what is coming up for you next, Pisces. Christmas Day really will feel like Christmas, in the sense that something new and easier is coming, or something rather old, stuck and difficult can be farewelled. You simply will not travel, use the web, network with other regions and nationalities, write, publish, study or teach in the same way next year. You and your life will be lighter, brighter, more relaxed, more open, more experimental. Given that this happy state of affairs is inevitable, maybe you can wait a bit longer to fix certain details?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:13:40 +0000

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