Arise 5週報 2013年6月11日 / - TopicsExpress


Arise 5週報 2013年6月11日 / 搭模斯月3日 印尼:屬靈突飛猛進;週五前往香港 「你們要稱謝耶和華,因他本為善;他的慈愛永遠長存。」(詩136:1) 「慈愛和誠實彼此相遇」(詩85:10) 「經上說:『我喜愛憐恤,不喜愛祭祀。』這句話的意思,你們且去揣摩。」(太9:13) 在間隔幾年後,這是我首次回到印尼,很想看看主在這個國家敞開什麼樣的門,從屬靈的立場來看,印尼的確進步很多,這讓我想到台灣。幾年前我曾預言台灣將進入復興,後來我再次造訪台灣,發現情況真的已經不可同日而語,我認為台灣過去幾年是在復興。至於印尼,我則不記得曾發過類似的預言,但是有些事情誠然已經轉變,教會突飛猛進,事實上我在這裡和兩週前在菲律賓的感受非常相似(見5月28日週報)。 主在此刻並沒有給我任何有關印尼的特別的策略,但是我們第一間飯店的房間是在八樓,“8”意指“新的開始”;在雅加達時,我們的房間在17樓(“17”是勝利的數字)。 選擇憐憫帶來恩惠和得勝 上週我開始寫到神是憐憫的神,祂要憐憫成為我們生命的重要屬性,當我們行在憐憫中,各種好事都會發生,不但得神的恩寵也得人的恩惠,表示更多禱告蒙應允以及更多神的祝福(箴言3:3~4)。在浪子的比喻裡(路加福音十五章),由於父親接納小兒子,大兒子對父親和弟弟極嚴苛又帶著批判,沒有憐憫,這也指出他依賴自己的良善和行為。有人形容兩種沒有恩慈的人:一型是罪大惡極(像浪子),另一型是自以為義(像大兒子),很多基督徒都陷入“大兒子”的光景裡。 基督徒的問題是,他們常以恩慈入門,但是後來就開始靠自己努力,這在面對個人難題時尤甚,他們在問題中掙扎,為了贏得勝利,他們就開始引用,甚至制定規則,卻常常徒勞無功,落得更加自我定罪或更加定罪他人,不自知的倚靠自己的力量,會讓事情變得更加棘手,「如果你們不信祂,就從祂一無所得」(加拉太書5:2解析版)。 因此基督徒的生命會變得更剛硬,情況漸漸急轉而下(加4:15) 而越來越沒有喜樂,也因為變得批判性又挑剔而難以相處(加5:15),同時肉體的行為開始出現(5:19~21),而不是結出聖靈的果子(5:22~23)。 解決之道如下: 1. 單單信靠你裡面耶穌的大能幫助你,就是這麼簡單! 2. 相信神正在幫助你(因為祂確實如此) 3. 失敗了不要擔心,立即再信靠主。 4. 不論得時不得時,要選擇憐憫,選擇柔軟和原諒,越來越多的恩惠和恩寵就會臨到你,事情就不致向下沉淪。 我複製上週的週報為參考,神要我們行在憐憫中,使我們能更多經歷祂的憐憫和恩惠。 (節錄上週週報) 1. 我們得救是單單因著神的憐憫;絕非我們自己的義。 2. 我們越多認識並經歷神,越多被聖靈充滿,我們裡面就能更充滿憐憫。 3. 我們越少行在憐憫中,就會變得更剛硬且帶著批判性。 4. 沒有憐憫,基督徒的生命會“阻塞”,難以饒恕人,也不容易接受饒恕。 5. 沒有憐憫就沒有饒恕,人際關係也將會被摧毀。 6. 如果你生命中有一些事情“阻塞”,要刻意選擇憐憫,並觀看聖靈開始自由地湧流。 神祝福你們,並謝謝你們的代禱! Ron and Teddy Sawka榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡 Arise 5出版 猶大領軍現在有英文、中文、日文、俄文和韓文版。 啟動預言目前有英文、中文和日文版,俄文版將很快出版。 查詢請洽:publications@arise5 先知性早禱會(MPP)---透過Skype或Ustream (週一到週五日本時間早上6:00~6:45) 「我每日早晨要滅絕國中所有的惡人,好把一切作孽的從耶和華的城裏剪除。」(詩101:8) 「叫這光普照地的四極,將惡人從其中驅逐出來嗎?」(伯38:13) 你可以現場或隨後收看早禱會的轉播,想要在Skype連結或收到每天的信息紀錄(英文、日文和中文),請寫訊息到adcave.usana@gmail,或是連絡你所在地的Arise 5連絡人。 行程 6月14~16日:香港Rev. Chang張牧師, Tel:852 92856837(聚會行程 6月17~23日:海外服事 6月29日:Arise5 橫濱 7月3日~6日:香港回家 如何接收週報 請到arise5連署訂閱每週自動接收英文/、日文、中文和俄文的週報,韓文:arise5korea.wordpress/。 奉獻和使徒性基金支持者(AFS) (2013年奉獻$1200美金) 使徒性基金是我們團隊極重要的一部分,你們委身1200元美金的奉獻,使我們可以去ㄧ些貧窮的國家服事,並繼續傳遞異象,以及讓我們可以連結。我覺得神給我們的恩膏也延及你們,也就是說,我相信你們生命中使徒先知性的恩膏會增長。 我很樂意為你們禱告,若有需要禱告的請寄給我們代禱事項,願神祝福你們! 使徒性基金和其他奉獻的銀行詳細資訊 Arise5奉獻者和使徒性基金資訊 *加拿大:Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave.,Edmonton,AB T5S2C4 日本:CitibankJapanLtd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch,1-18-8Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku,Tokyo160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT 韓國:KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 馬來西亞:Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) 俄羅斯:請來信到 russia@arise5 新加坡:POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) 台灣:中國信託銀行 (銀行代號822) 彰化分行(台幣帳戶),帳號:42854-041347-0,戶名:SAWKA RONALD WADE *美國:Christian International:PO Box 9000,Santa Rosa Beach,FL32459 *加拿大和美國:請開立支票給特定機構 ,並且指定為 “Sawka Mission Fund” 奉獻 其他國家:直接轉帳請使用日本花旗銀行帳戶的資訊 日本救災/宣教奉獻---直接轉帳 為編織求生事工奉獻 編織求生事工是3月11日地震海嘯之後發展出來最令人驚奇的事工,更多相關資訊請參閱其網站:yarnalive.wordpress/或臉書Yarn Alive,為編織求生事工的震災奉獻帳號如下: Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631 Arise 5 Weekly Update June 11, 2013 / Tammuz 3 Indonesia—Spiritually Surging Ahead; On to Hong Kong Later This Week “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever” (Ps. 136:1). “Mercy and truth have met together” (Ps. 85:10). “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice’” (Matt. 9:13). It was my first time back to Indonesia in a few years, and it will be interesting to see what doors the Lord opens in this nation. From a spiritual standpoint, Indonesia is moving ahead. It reminded me of Taiwan. Years ago, I found myself prophesying that Taiwan would move into revival. On a subsequent trip, I found that things had indeed shifted—and for the past few years I’ve considered Taiwan to be in a state of revival. As for Indonesia, I don’t remember prophesying anything like that, but something has definitely shifted, and it seems the church is surging ahead. In fact, what I sense here is very similar to what I felt in the Philippines two weeks ago (see the May 28 update). At this point, the Lord has not given any specific strategies for Indonesia. However, at the first hotel we stayed in, our rooms were on the eighth floor. “Eight” signifies a “new beginning.” Also, back in Jakarta, our rooms were on the seventeenth floor (“seventeen” is a number for victory). Choosing Mercy Brings Favor and Victory Last week, I began to write about how God is a God of mercy, and that He wants mercy to be a key attribute in our life. When we walk in mercy, all kinds of good things happen, including favor with God and man. That means more answers to prayer and more of His blessing (see Proverbs 3:3–4). In the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15), the older brother was hard and judgmental—both of his younger brother, and of his father for receiving him. This older brother had no mercy. This lack of mercy also indicates that he himself was relying on his own goodness. Someone pointed out there are two kinds of people who live outside of grace. One is the sinner type (like the prodigal son), and the other is the self-righteous type (like the older brother). Many Christians fall into the “older-son trap.” Often, Christians start out in grace, but then they start relying on their own efforts. That self-reliance frequently arises during times of personal problems. A believer struggles with a problem, and then in an effort for victory, either starts making rules or subscribing to them. This usually results in the person feeling more self-condemned and also being more condemning of others. Without realizing it, they are relying on their own strength. This makes things worse, “for if you distrust Him, you can gain nothing from Him” (Gal. 5:2, AMP). Thus, the Christian life gets harder, and one enters a downward spiral of lessening joy (see Galatians 4:15). Living with such a person becomes harder as they become more critical and judgmental (5:15). Also, the works of the flesh begin to manifest (5:19–21) instead of the fruit of Spirit (5:22–23). So, what’s the solution? The steps are as follows: 5. As simple as it sounds, just trust Jesus’s power in you to help you. That’s all! 6. Assume He is helping you (because He is). 7. Don’t worry if you fail. As soon as you notice worry, start trusting again. 8. In the mean time (and all the time), choose mercy. Choose to be soft and forgiving. More and more grace and favor will come to you. The downward spiral will stop. For reference, I am re-copying parts of what I wrote last week. God wants us to walk in mercy so that we can experience more and more of His mercy and grace. (From Last Week’s Update) 1. It is only God’s mercy that saves us; it certainly isn’t any of our own righteousness. 2. The more we know and experience God, the more we should be filled with mercy as we are increasingly filled with the Holy Spirit. 3. We will become harder and more judgmental the less we walk in mercy. 4. Without mercy, our Christian lives get “plugged up.” We will have trouble giving and receiving forgiveness. 5. Where there is no mercy, there can be no forgiveness. Human relationships will also become fouled. 6. If things are “plugged up” in your life, deliberately choose mercy and watch the Holy Spirit begin to flow freely. God bless, and thank you for praying. Ron and Teddy Sawka Arise 5 Publications Judah Goes First is available in English, Standard Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Korean. Activated to Prophesy is now available in English, Standard Chinese, and was just released in Japanese. Russian is forthcoming. For inquiries, please contact publications@arise5. Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)—Via Skype or Ustream (6:00–6:45 A.M. [Japan Time], Monday–Friday) “Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord” (Ps. 101:8). “That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?” (Job 38:13). You may watch the broadcasts live, or may view the sessions later, at To be able to connect on Skype, or to receive the daily transcripts (English, Japanese, and Standard Chinese), please send a message to adcave.usana@gmail, or to your regional Arise 5 coordinator. Schedule 7. 6/14–16, Hong Kong 8. 6/17–23, Visitation 9. 6/29, Arise 5 Yokohama 10. 7/3–6, Hong Kong, Homecoming Signing Up for the Weekly Updates Sign up for our weekly email updates in English, Japanese, Standard Chinese, or Russian at arise5/. For Korean, please visit arise5korea.wordpress/. Donations and Apostolic Fund Supporters (AFS) ($1200 for 2013) AFS are a very important part of our team. Your commitment of the equivalent of $US 1,200 helps us to minister in some of the less affluent nations and to keep spreading the vision. It also connects or aligns you to us. I feel that the anointing the Lord has given us also extends to you. In other words, I trust it increases the apostolic and prophetic anointings in your life. Finally, we want you to know that we love praying for you. Send us prayer requests and needs as they arise. God bless! Bank Details for Apostolic Fund Supporters and Any Donations Information for Arise 5 Donors and Apostolic Fund Supporters *CANADA: Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave., Edmonton, AB T5S2C4 JAPAN: Citibank Japan Ltd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch, 1-18-8 Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT KOREA: KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 MALAYSIA: Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) RUSSIA: Please write us at: russia@arise5 SINGAPORE: POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) TAIWAN: Chinatrust 42854-041347-0 *USA: Christian International: PO Box 9000, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 *Canada and USA: Please make checks out to that particular organization and designate it to “Sawka Mission Fund.” OTHERS: Please use the Japan Citibank details for direct deposits. Disaster Relief/Evangelism Donations—Direct Deposits Yarn Alive donations may be made here. One of the most amazing ministries that has developed out of the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/11 has been Yarn Alive. Relief offerings for the ongoing ministry of Yarn Alive can be sent here. More information on Yarn Alive may be found at yarnalive.wordpress/. They also have a page on Facebook. Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 01:22:23 +0000

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