Arise 5週報 2013年9月3日 / - TopicsExpress


Arise 5週報 2013年9月3日 / 5773年以祿月28日 (2013提斯利月的祝福 吹號角:領悟神的良善! 「你曉諭以色列人說:七月初一,你們要守為聖安息日,要吹角作紀念,當有聖會。」(利23:24) 這個禮拜五是Rosh Hashanah---猶太曆5774年之始,也是我最喜愛的節期之一---吹角節,其實這個節日很簡單---就是整天吹號角,我喜愛的是其涵意。不論是否真的吹號角,我們是在向我們自己、家人、鄰舍、職場和國家宣告神的美善,此時是要醒悟祂的良善之時刻。要做下列十三個宣告,這也是十三個吹號角的理由: 歡慶神的良善。我們越恰當的慶賀和感恩,在新的季節就越能領受主的祝福。 為贖罪日作預備。耶穌為救贖我們而死,我們宣告要除去我們裡面一切不義及悖逆的種子。 我們謹記神給亞伯拉罕的恩典,祂及時預備了公羊,我們渴望這一整年耶穌的寶血都遮蓋我們。 記念神創造世界的日子(伯38:7),神要我們在世上掌權治理,因此要確實啟動喜樂。 要銘記在心新的一年必有恩惠和豐盛的供應。 加冕的日子,要不斷宣告耶穌是主(詩98:6)。 是神審判的時刻。重大的財經事件/變革常常發生在這段期間,切記掌管所有世界體系的是主,不是混亂。 詩篇81篇是為這天而作的,要確實讀它。 帶著聖靈的大能而出。耶穌在以祿月第一天進入曠野(第六個希伯來月),爾後在贖罪日出現(提斯利月10日),從此行走在聖靈的大能中,祂要我們每個人都如此效法。 記念主第二次再來的時刻。是的,耶穌必要再來!(帖前4:16~17)。 和家人歡聚之時。 和解的時刻,神幫助以掃和雅各和好(之前他們各行己路),祂也能為你們如此成就。 穿上屬靈軍裝之時。主正招聚我們為擴展神的國度爭戰(林前14:8)。 最後,要記得神怎麼擴張我們對服事的認知,無論是獨處或在人群中,神始終與我們同在。我們可以與祂同行,和祂對談,敏銳於祂給我們的啟示。我們永不會孤單,不要訝異祂想給我們的賞賜。 神祝福您 Ron and Teddy Sawka榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡 謝謝你們的代禱---日本求生事工:新認養法律的困擾? 謝謝你們為擬修改領養法律的座談會代禱,這個會議極有果效,請繼續禱告,讓架構於錯誤臆測的法律不會通過。要謹記我們是教會(ekklēsia),是被呼召出來的ㄧ群,意思是教會有立法的權柄,也是說神已經賜給我們權柄來抵擋並防止有害的法律。 日本大能的預言 我看到翟辛蒂(Cindy Jacobs)今年五月在印尼一個特會對日本發的預言,她預言神要觸摸日本的國會(政府),主的榮耀會大大造訪這個國家,日本將差派許多宣教士。 影片連結: youtube/watch?v=ndn7KUTDZxk#. 對日本吹號角宣告 見8月13日週報的完整解釋--- Allen Faubion鼓勵我們在這個月每天吹號角。 1. 爆破的聲音:神正在釋放聖靈大爆破的風,從日本吹向台灣、中國、亞洲內陸,接著抵達非洲。 2. 帶下主的風和火:這是動員的風,不是毀滅的風。 3. 除去籠罩的黑暗權勢:神氣息的風將除去黑暗權勢,並為未來世代興起光的新準則。 4. 是榮耀的王進入日本的時刻:見詩篇24:7~10。 5. 公義的日頭要興起:日本太陽神不再掌權,而是根據瑪拉基書4:2~3節,現在真正的日頭要在日本掌權。 先知性早禱會(MPP)---透過Skype或Ustream (日本時間週一到週五早上6:00~6:45) 「我每日早晨要滅絕國中所有的惡人,好把一切作孽的從耶和華的城裏剪除。」(詩101:8) 「叫這光普照地的四極,將惡人從其中驅逐出來嗎?」(伯38:13) 你可以現場或隨後收看早禱會的轉播,想要在Skype連結或收到每天的信息紀錄(英文、日文和中文),請寫訊息到adcave.usana@gmail,或是連絡你所在地的Arise 5連絡人。 行程 9月7日:佐野初熟果子和猶太新年歡慶,下午1~5點 9月9日:印度邦加羅爾 9月10~12日:印度科欽(Cochin) 9月13~15日:印度孟買 9月21日:Arise5橫濱 9月27~10月6日:馬來西亞亞庇(Kota Kinabalu) 10月7~9日:馬來西亞吉隆坡 10月25~26日:台灣Arise 5 使徒先知大會;詳細資訊,報名網站:graceph (在報名網站上點選一下,即可進入報名系統)。 如何接收週報 請到arise5連署訂閱每週自動接收英文、日文、中文和俄文的週報,韓文:arise5korea.wordpress。 Arise 5出版 猶大領軍現在有英文、中文、日文、俄文和韓文版。 啟動預言目前有英文、中文和日文版,俄文版將很快出版。 查詢請洽:publications@arise5 奉獻和使徒性基金支持者(AFS) (2013年奉獻$1200美金) 使徒性基金是我們團隊極重要的一部分,你們委身1200元美金的奉獻,使我們可以去ㄧ些貧窮的國家服事,並繼續傳遞異象,以及讓我們可以連結。我覺得神給我們的恩膏也延及你們,也就是說,我相信你們生命中使徒先知性的恩膏會增長。 我很樂意為你們禱告,若有需要禱告的請寄給我們代禱事項,願神祝福你們! 使徒性基金和其他奉獻的銀行詳細資訊 Arise5奉獻者和使徒性基金資訊 *加拿大:Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave.,Edmonton,AB T5S2C4 日本:CitibankJapanLtd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch,1-18-8Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku,Tokyo160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT 韓國:KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 馬來西亞:Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) 俄羅斯:請來信到 russia@arise5 新加坡:POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) 台灣:中國信託銀行 (銀行代號822) 彰化分行(台幣帳戶),帳號:42854-041347-0,戶名:SAWKA RONALD WADE *美國:Christian International:PO Box 9000,Santa Rosa Beach,FL32459 *加拿大和美國:請開立支票給特定機構 ,並且指定為 “Sawka Mission Fund” 奉獻 其他國家:直接轉帳請使用日本花旗銀行帳戶的資訊 日本救災/宣教奉獻---直接轉帳 為編織求生事工奉獻 編織求生事工是3月11日地震海嘯之後發展出來最令人驚奇的事工,更多相關資訊請參閱其網站:yarnalive.wordpress/或臉書Yarn Alive,為編織求生事工的震災奉獻帳號如下: Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631 Arise 5 Weekly Update Sept. 03, 2013 / Elul 28, 5773 Blowing the Trumpets: Awake to the Goodness of God! “In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation” (Lev. 23:24). This Friday is Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new Hebrew Year 5774. It is also the date of one of my favorite feasts, Blowing of Trumpets. As feasts go, it was very simple—just blow the shofar all day long. But, I love the symbolism. Whether or not we actually blow a shofar, we are declaring to ourselves—as well as to our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, and nations—that God is good and that it is time to wake up to His goodness. Here are thirteen declarations to make, or thirteen reasons to blow the shofar: 1. We celebrate the goodness of God. The more we properly celebrate and are thankful, the more the Lord can give us in the next season. 2. Prepare ourselves for the day of atonement. Jesus died to redeem us. We are declaring that we want each and every seed of unrighteousness or rebellion to be taken out of us. 3. We remember God’s grace to Abraham. He provided the ram at just the right time. We want the whole year to be covered by the blood of Jesus. 4. A day to remember the creation of the world (Job 38:7). The Lord wants us to rule and reign on the earth. Be sure to activate joy. 5. We remember that there is grace and abundant provision for the new year. 6. It’s a coronation day. We declare again (and again) that Jesus is Lord (Ps. 98:6). 7. It’s a time of God’s judging. Often, important economic events/shifts take place during this time. We remember that it is the Lord—and not chaos —who is over all the systems of the world. 8. Psalm 81 is devoted to this day. Be sure to read it. 9. Come forth in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus entered the wilderness on the first day of Elul (6th month) and emerged on the Day of Atonement (Tishrei 10). From then on, He walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is what He wants for each of us. 10. A time to remember the second coming. Yes, Jesus is indeed coming back (1 Thess. 4:16–17). 11. A time to have fun with your family. 12. A time of reconciliation. God brought reconciliation to Jacob and Esau (who then went their separate ways). He can do the same for you. 13. A time to put on spiritual armor. The Lord is gathering us for war to advance the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 14:8). Finally, let’s remember how the Lord is already broadening our understanding of ministry. As we move among people (or even by ourselves) throughout the day, the Lord is with us. We can walk with Him, ask Him questions, and be alert to the things He shows us. We are never alone and we never know what He will bring to us. Thanks for Praying—About Japan Alive: Troubling New Adoption Laws? Thanks for praying for the symposium about proposed adoption law changes. The meeting was very productive. Let’s keep praying that laws based on false assumptions will not be passed. Let’s remember that we are the church—the ecclesia—the called out ones. We, the church, have authority to legislate. God has given us authority to stand against and prevent laws that will prove to be harmful. Powerful Prophecy for Japan I recently viewed a prophecy about Japan that Cindy Jacobs gave at a May 2013 meeting in Indonesia. She prophesied that the Lord would touch the Diet (government) of Japan. She also prophesied much visitation and the glory of the Lord over this nation, as well as many missionaries being sent from Japan. The video is here: youtube/watch?v=ndn7KUTDZxk#. Declarations for Japan by Blowing the Shofar See the August 12 update for a more complete explanation. Allen Faubion encouraged us to blow the shofar daily during this month. Sound the Explosion. A mighty blast of the Holy Spirit that will blow from Japan to Taiwan and into China, then to inland Asia, and which will reach Africa. Send Your Wind and Fire. It is a blast to deploy and not to destroy. Vaporize the Shroud of Darkness. The blast of the breath of God will vaporize the occult shroud and will raise up a new standard of light for the generations to come. It’s Time for the King of Glory to Come into Japan. See Psalm 24:7–10. The Sun of Righteousness Will Rise. “No longer will the sun god rule in Japan, but the true sun will now reign in Japan, according to Malachi 4:2–3.” Blessings, Ron and Teddy Sawka Morning Prophetic Prayer (MPP)—Via Skype or Ustream (6:00–6:45 A.M. [Japan Time], Monday–Friday) “Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord” (Ps. 101:8). “That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it?” (Job 38:13). You may watch the broadcasts live, or may view the sessions later, at To be able to connect on Skype, or to receive the daily transcripts (English, Japanese, and Standard Chinese), please send a message to adcave.usana@gmail, or to your regional Arise 5 coordinator. Schedule 1. 9/7, First Fruits and Rosh Hashanah Celebration, Sano, 1–5 p.m. 2. 9/9, Bangalore, India 3. 9/10–12, Cochin, India 4. 9/13–15, Mumbai, India 5. 9/21, Arise 5, Yokohama 6. 9/27–10/6, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia 7. 10/7–9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Signing Up for the Weekly Updates Sign up for our weekly email updates in English, Japanese, Standard Chinese, or Russian at arise5. For Korean, please visit arise5korea.wordpress. Donations and Apostolic Fund Supporters (AFS) ($1200 for 2013) AFS are a very important part of our team. Your commitment of the equivalent of $US 1,200 helps us to minister in some of the less affluent nations and to keep spreading the vision. It also connects or aligns you to us. I feel that the anointing the Lord has given us also extends to you. In other words, I trust it increases the apostolic and prophetic anointings in your life. Finally, we want you to know that we love praying for you. Send us prayer requests and needs as they arise. God bless! Bank Details for Apostolic Fund Supporters and Any Donations Information for Arise 5 Donors and Apostolic Fund Supporters *CANADA: Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave., Edmonton, AB T5S2C4 JAPAN: Citibank Japan Ltd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch, 1-18-8 Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT KOREA: KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 MALAYSIA: Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) RUSSIA: Please write us at: russia@arise5 SINGAPORE: POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) TAIWAN: Chinatrust 42854-041347-0 *USA: Christian International: PO Box 9000, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 *Canada and USA: Please make checks out to that particular organization and designate it to “Sawka Mission Fund.” OTHERS: Please use the Japan Citibank details for direct deposits. Disaster Relief/Evangelism Donations—Direct Deposits Yarn Alive donations may be made here. One of the most amazing ministries that has developed out of the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/11 has been Yarn Alive. Relief offerings for the ongoing ministry of Yarn Alive can be sent here. More information on Yarn Alive may be found at yarnalive.wordpress. They also have a page on Facebook. Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 03:04:47 +0000

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