Arise 5週報2013年10月29日 - TopicsExpress


Arise 5週報2013年10月29日 神真美善!一向如此! Arise 5週報 2013年10月29日; 5774年瑪西班月25日 神真美善!一向如此!God is Good! All the Time! 台灣Arise 5全國性特會 上週五和週六在我們第一次台灣Arise 5使徒先知大會中,神彰顯祂的奇妙,超過四百人報名參加,他們來自台灣各個不同的城市和教會。和王福蓮牧師(Arise 5台灣總聯絡人)與其他使徒團隊成員(包括香港和大陸)一起同工超棒!從日本來的吉田万代牧師(與她的秘書及翻譯)和我的兒子麥克撒卡都是講員,所以儼然是亞洲國際大會。 參加者很多都是我過去在台灣各地服事或訓練過的熟面孔,但也有很多第一次來參與的人,這可以印證神正在興起末世的使徒先知大軍。我的教導多數是關乎新的思維和為什麼需要使徒先知。吉田万代牧師分享神如何帶領她建立預言咖啡廳(Arise 5東京教會),實在令人驚嘆!過去六年來他們每年平均為三萬五千人預言服事,以至於許多人被神觸摸,並有很多人得救。 假設有人問她為什麼為非信徒發預言,她的回答是:「讓這些人聽到神的話語不是更好嗎?」,我知道她釋放了剛強壯膽的靈。她說不管來領受預言的是誰,她都是百分之百的大膽運作,讓神動工。 麥克講到“神真美善!一向如此!”,我們每天都要如此深信,不容許自己偏離這個真理。若有負面或是想要抱怨論斷的心思興起,我們要選擇保持感恩和喜樂。 我反覆思考這兩個真理,它們其實像銅板一樣一體兩面:一、神一向美善,所以我們活在喜樂和感謝中;二、大膽是因為全然信靠神的思維,所以不論言行舉止都盡力而為,因為神是我們的依靠。 做這兩件事你會發現: ▪ 我們常處在喜樂中。 ▪ 我們知道如何口出恩言,使人得復甦。 ▪ 不再“看到”無中生有的隱憂。 ▪ 面對困難時毫無畏懼。 ▪ 更多恩膏的澆灌湧流;事實是,問題越大,神就賞賜更多的智慧和恩膏。 台灣Arise 5使徒先知大會錄影 神祝福您 Ron and Teddy Sawka榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡 我的新書「使徒與使徒性恩膏」已出版 我很感恩聽到對於我的新書「使徒與使徒性恩膏」的正面報導和評價,我覺得這本書切合現在的需要,並幫助我們更深入認識神如何在我們所處的時代預備祂的百姓。 電子書:我所有的書現在都可以在Kindle購買電子版:https://amazon/author/ronaldsawka;購買實體書請聯絡publications@arise5。 願你因「使徒與使徒性恩膏」這本書蒙福! 先知性早禱會MPP 你可以現場或隨後收看早禱會的轉播,想要在Skype連結或收到每天的信息紀錄(英文、日文和中文),請寫訊息到mpponskype@gmail,或是連絡你所在地的Arise 5連絡人。臉書Arise 5 Taiwan社團有每日中文信息紀錄。 行程 ▪ 10月29~30日:新竹錫安堂03-5611267(台灣行程 ▪ 11月9日:日本佐野初熟果子聚會 ▪ 11月13~19日:俄羅斯 ▪ 11月20日~12月1日:宣教之旅 如何接收週報 請到arise5連署訂閱每週自動接收英文、日文、中文和俄文的週報,韓文:arise5korea.wordpress。 奉獻和使徒性基金支持者(AFS) (2013年奉獻$1200美金) 使徒性基金是我們團隊極重要的一部分,你們委身1200元美金的奉獻,使我們可以去ㄧ些貧窮的國家服事,並繼續傳遞異象,以及讓我們可以連結。我覺得神給我們的恩膏也延及你們,也就是說,我相信你們生命中使徒先知性的恩膏會增長。 我很樂意為你們禱告,若有需要禱告的請寄給我們代禱事項,願神祝福你們! 使徒性基金和其他奉獻的銀行詳細資訊 Arise5奉獻者和使徒性基金資訊 ▪ *加拿大:Christian International of Canada:21530 103rd Ave.,Edmonton,ABT5S2C4 ▪ 日本:CitibankJapanLtd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch,1-18-8Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku,Tokyo160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT ▪ 韓國:KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 ▪ 馬來西亞:Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) ▪ 俄羅斯:請來信到 russia@arise5 ▪ 新加坡:POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) ▪ 台灣:中國信託銀行 (銀行代號822) 彰化分行(台幣帳戶),帳號:42854-041347-0,戶名:SAWKA RONALD WADE ▪ *美國:Christian International:PO Box 9000,Santa RosaBeach,FL32459 ▪ *加拿大和美國:請開立支票給特定機構 ,並且指定為 “Sawka Mission Fund” 奉獻 ▪ 其他國家:直接轉帳請使用日本花旗銀行帳戶的資訊 日本救災/宣教奉獻—直接轉帳 為編織求生事工奉獻 編織求生事工是3月11日地震海嘯之後發展出來最令人驚奇的事工,更多相關資訊請參閱其網站:yarnalive.wordpress/或臉書Yarn Alive,為編織求生事工的震災奉獻帳號如下: ▪ Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. ▪ Branch: Sanominami ▪ Bank Code: 0129 ▪ Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 ▪ SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631 God Is Good—All the Time! 2013年10月29日 15:56 Arise 5 Weekly Update October 29, 2013; Cheshvan 25, 5774 God Is Good—All the Time! Arise 5 Taiwan National Conference This past Friday and Saturday, God gave us an amazing time at our first-ever Arise 5 Taiwan Conference. Attendance was high, with over 400 coming from across Taiwan. It was great working with Joyce (the coordinator for Arise 5 Taiwan) and the rest of the Taiwanese team, as well as a couple team members from Hong Kong and China. Kazuyo Yoshida and my son Mike joined me as co-speakers (as did an assistant and translator). So it really turned into an international Asian event. Many of the attendees were people I have trained or ministered to in the past years, but many more were “brand new.” This confirms what we already know: God is raising up His apostolic-prophetic end-times army. I taught primarily on new mindsets and why we need the apostolic and prophetic. Kazuyo shared about how God led her to start Yogen Cafe (Arise 5 Tokyo). For the past six years, they have ministered prophetically to about 35,000 people a year. People are being touched by the Lord, and many have gotten saved. In response to the hypothetical question of why prophesy to unbelievers, Kazuyo said, “Isn’t it far better for them to hear the word of the Lord rather than anything else?” I know she released an anointing of boldness. She said that regardless of who came for prophecy, just give them 100%, operate in boldness, and allow the Lord to work. Mike spoke on “God is good—all the time,” and how this must be a conscious, daily decision, and that we can’t allow anything to distract us from this truth. Regardless of our circumstances, and despite how much we want to complain or criticize, choose to remain thankful and joyful. I have been meditating on those two truths—they are really two sides of the same coin. God is good all the time, so live in thanksgiving and joy. Then, boldly operate from the position that God is to be fully trusted—so whatever you do, give it your best shot. When we do these two things, the following occur: ▪ We live in joy. ▪ We know what to say. People will be refreshed by you. ▪ We no longer will “see” problems aren’t really there. ▪ We won’t be afraid of dealing with problems. More and more anointing will flow. In fact, the bigger the problem, the more God’s wisdom and anointing will be released. The conference sessions from Taiwan may be seen at Blessings, Ron and Teddy Sawka Now Available—Apostles and Apostolic Anointing I am thankful to hear the comments and good reports about my newly released book, Apostles and Apostolic Anointing. I feel this book is timely and will help us better understand how the Lord is preparing His people for the times we now live in. Available for Kindle—All my books are now available for Kindle (or Kindle apps) at https://amazon/author/ronaldsawka. For print copies, please contact publications@arise5. I hope you’re blessed by Apostles and Apostolic Anointing! MPP You may watch the broadcasts live, or may view the sessions later, at To be able to connect on Skype, or to receive the daily transcripts (English, Japanese, and Standard Chinese), please send a message to mpponskype@gmail, or to your regional Arise 5 coordinator. Schedule ▪ 10/29–30, Hsinzhou Zion ▪ 11/9, First Fruits, Sendai, Japan ▪ 11/13–19, Russia ▪ 11/20–12/1, Ministry Trip Donations and Apostolic Fund Supporters (AFS) ($1200 for 2013) AFS are a very important part of our team. Your commitment of the equivalent of $US 1,200 helps us to minister in some of the less affluent nations and to keep spreading the vision. It also connects or aligns you to us. I feel that the anointing the Lord has given us also extends to you. In other words, I trust it increases the apostolic and prophetic anointings in your life. Finally, we want you to know that we love praying for you. Send us prayer requests and needs as they arise. God bless! Bank Details for Apostolic Fund Supporters and Any Donations Information for Arise 5 Donors and Apostolic Fund Supporters *CANADA: Christian International of Canada: 21530 103rd Ave., Edmonton, AB T5S2C4 JAPAN: Citibank Japan Ltd, Address: Citibank Japan Ltd, Shinjuku Minami Guchi Branch, 1-18-8 Nishi Shinjuku-Ku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-0023. Account Name: Ronald W. Sawka, Account Number: 9364 2377, Swift Code: CITI JPJT KOREA: KEB Bank 172-18-47989-8 MALAYSIA: Standard Chartered Bank 390194941955 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) RUSSIA: Please write us at: russia@arise5 SINGAPORE: POSBank 149-42129-7 (account name Ronald W. Sawka) TAIWAN: Chinatrust 42854-041347-0 *USA: Christian International: PO Box 9000, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 *Canada and USA: Please make checks out to that particular organization and designate it to “Sawka Mission Fund.” OTHERS: Please use the Japan Citibank details for direct deposits. Disaster Relief/Evangelism Donations—Direct Deposits Yarn Alive donations may be made here. One of the most amazing ministries that has developed out of the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/11 has been Yarn Alive. Relief offerings for the ongoing ministry of Yarn Alive can be sent here. More information on Yarn Alive may be found at yarnalive.wordpress. They also have a page on Facebook. Bank Name: Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. Branch: Sanominami Bank Code: 0129 Account Name, Number: Ciasia Sanokirisutokyoukai 131-64120 SWIFT Code: ASIKJPJT Branch Address: Tochigi-ken, Sano-shi, Uekami-cho 1631
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 10:54:24 +0000

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