Aristotle believed that a person deficient in appropriate anger is - TopicsExpress


Aristotle believed that a person deficient in appropriate anger is unlikely to defend himself and “endure being insulted” and is for this reason a “fool”. I entirely agree with him. To me, no person lacks dignity and self-respect more than the one who fails to become angry at injustices done to him. Most people will agree that anger and hatred are inherent in our natural make up and constitution; and I therefore believe that the lack of such feelings is evidence of weakness and imbecility. We have been, on numerous occasions, been tutored on how not to get angry but the problem is that we are in this way taught that in trying to overcome negative feelings caused by having been wronged we must also renounce or modify our critical judgments of the wrongdoer. We, as a result, begin to play deaf to the pounding sounds of reason. I choose to call it self-abnegation and it is repugnant to rationality. Is it then not indisputable that a disposition to too readily forgive is a moral infirmity? This kind of episodic forgiveness is clearly a theological fallacy. So, I conclude that people who (claim to) never get angry are fools.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 08:51:24 +0000

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