Aristotle said that man was a politician, that is social: live in - TopicsExpress


Aristotle said that man was a politician, that is social: live in families, clans, groups called herds villages, towns, cities or nations, and feels the need to join the like in order to perform as such. Certain psychological currents of thought posit that the human mind has in common sensations and feelings. The only difference between the two is the time to show these feelings, triggering emotions that motivate action. That a person does not feel like another in a given time, is for educational reasons, genetic predisposition and hormonal conditions that induce channel stimuli in one way or another. So, they infer that empathy is possible in an individual capable of reasoning about himself, evaluate your feelings and reason about others in a way that does not tend to justify their own desires. The unit will be objective thinking degeneration, and the degree of accuracy would be distorted to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the depth of knowledge of oneself, or what is the same, their emotional intelligence.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 04:23:16 +0000

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