Arkansas Memories; Red Ryder BB Gun: Every Christmas a certain TV - TopicsExpress


Arkansas Memories; Red Ryder BB Gun: Every Christmas a certain TV station televises, around the clock, a movie called A Christmas Story. If we have no company, my wife, Wendy, indulges me and allows every TV in the house to be tuned to that station so that I can watch or hear that continuous rerun. I love that movie more that I do any other movie about Christmas, including White Christmas. And thats saying a lot because I also love musicals! When I was growing up in Arkansas, Christmas was more about the meaning of Christmas than about receiving gifts. As a young child I remember getting small gifts on Christmas Day along with fruit and candy. And I looked forward to those gifts, no matter the size. But, because my Mom was very religious I also learned the real meaning of Christmas and looked forward to the Christmas season. Because I love music I related very well to the songs and hymns we heard or sang around Christmas time. And to this day I havent forgotten those emotional feelings I had as a young kid when singing Away In A Manger as I sang along to either the radio or the choir in church. In contrast to A Christmas Story our tree was cut out of a field in Garrett Valley by my brothers Norman and Bob, with me tagging along. It was decorated by handmade chains of colored construction paper, popcorn strung together with thread, sweet gum pods wrapped in aluminum foil, and topped with a handmade star wrapped in aluminum foil. The only store bought decoration was tinsel which Mom somehow came up with. Presents were not wrapped and just placed under the tree in their packages. As depicted in A Christmas Story Ralphies family was not like my family at all. His family was clearly middle class and lived in Indiana. When I was growing up, my family lived in Arkansas and was located somewhere lower than Ralphies on the economic ladder. Ralphies dad was blustery and funny, my dad was quiet and more reserved. Although Dad did have a fun side to his nature. Ralphies mom was somewhat like mine but, not totally. Ralphie and me were not alike at all. About the thing Ralphie and me had in common was that we both wanted a Red Ryder BB Gun for Christmas and the story took place in the same era, the 1940s. As I recall I was about ten years of age when Mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. To my knowledge she had never asked me before what I wanted and I was surprise to be asked. I didnt respond immediately to her question because there were things I had to consider. You see I knew that gifts came from my Mom and Dad and I also knew that a Red Ryder BB Gun probably cost more than they could afford. I tried to think of a gift more reasonable in price that they could most likely afford that I wanted. Therefore, Santa Clause did not play a role in my decision. Finally, my desire for a Red Ryder BB Gun overcame my reality check and I told Mom what I really wanted. And I was not surprised when she told me that it probably would cost too much and inquired what else I would like to have. I honestly dont remember what I told her my second choice was. Just like Ralphie I was surprised beyond belief when on Christmas Day I awoke to find an unwrapped Red Ryder BB Gun under the tree and it was MINE. And every Christmas Day this elderly little boy is indulged by his thoughtful wife who allows him to watch A Christmas Story over and over again while reliving that Christmas Day in Arkansas when he received his Red Ryder BB Gun. And no, I did not shoot my eye out. Jerry Marvel
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:30:26 +0000

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