Armchair activism tip: Google search circus news. You will - TopicsExpress


Armchair activism tip: Google search circus news. You will inevitably find, at a minimum, letters to the editor in support of the circus. Many of them will be written by Stephen Payne, who works for Feld Entertainment, parent company of Ringling. Here is a sample reply to leave in response to his pro-circus comments: What a surprise that Stephen Payne, Vice President of the Feld Entertainment propaganda mill, would speak out as pro-Ringling, a company that Feld Entertainment owns. Anyone who took more than 5 minutes to Google circus cruelty would be clear that the animals are in fact abused, as there are no positive reinforcement techniques for training elephants and big cats, nor is there anything natural or acceptable about forcing an animal that usually travels for miles every day to live in a small cage and travel 90% of the year. The circus is animal abuse. Spend your dollars elsewhere. IMPORTANT: be POLITE in your comments. Do not give ammunition to the notion that people who care about animals are crazy. That helps no activist and no animal. Thank you! Here is Paynes Twitter feed....
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:42:36 +0000

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