Armenian image in the Arab and foreign sources Atta - TopicsExpress


Armenian image in the Arab and foreign sources Atta Dergham .................................................. ..................... Released by the Center for Armenian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University Book Armenian image in the Arab and foreign sources, edited and free d. Imam Mohamed Refaat Assistant Professor Altarih modern Almasrbadab Damanhur and editor of the magazine Eric, and gave him d. Mahmoud Allawi, Director, Center for Armenian Studies and Professor, Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University. The book is the first part of the research that was thrown at a conference center in 2012, has been prepared by a constellation of researchers in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Armenia. Signed book (254 pages) in three key areas are: the Armenian issue in the Arab and foreign sources, the Armenians in Egypt in light of the Arab and foreign sources, Armenian and Armenians during the Middle Ages .. With respect to the first axis, initiated by d. Imam Mohamed Refaat study on the Armenian issue in Arab sources 1878- 1923. In this study, Arab sources distinction reflected the Armenian issue in all its dimensions, and its circumstances and its aftermath since the internationalization of the Armenian issue under Article 61 of the Treaty of Berlin in 1878 and even aborted international conference in Lausanne in 1923.ottzm Arab sources multiculturalism, diversity and difference outskirts and speculator. In this regard, there is a contrasting colors of sources: studies and literature, journalistic writings, literature, poetry. Thus, section d. Imam Arabic sources to the main two types, namely: (a) - the political and literary works (writings Aloedio for Wajih) B journalistic literature (writings of public opinion). With respect to style first, said D.alamam of it, for example: the work of Mustafa Kamel (Eastern Question) and Mohamed Farid (the countrys history the attic) and Guy Ghusain (massacres in Armenia) and Mohammad Kurd Ali (plans Sham and notes) and Crown debt was (known and unknown, Raef and Dikran). There is very important to note this type of writings that she did not deny the occurrence of the massacres committed by the Hamedia Oalapadh Unionists. But most of these writings have focused on templates apologetic. For example, Mustafa Kamel did not deny the occurrence of massacres Hamedia, but worked hard to deny that it adopted an official policy of the Ottoman system Hamidi, and actively seek to prove that they betrayed the Armenians reaction to the State of the Islamic Caliphate and their close cooperation with Britain - an occupying Egypt. And also, worked hard for the entire Troyej the Armenian issue in the context of religious expressed: Armenian Christian minority cooperate with, and shelter to strong crusade to discredit Islam embodied in the Ottoman Empire. The second pattern, it was stated d. Imam that the Arab library owns a valuable collection of periodicals to the various forms that provide database chronologically consecutive and interconnected objectively about the Armenian issue. For example, reflected the newspaper Mirror conditions era, Berlin (1878) and crossed the newspaper time, Cairo, on the stages of the revolution Armenian, and embodied the newspapers several phases of massacres Hamedia and genocide Federal such as Al-Ahram, Mokattam, public opinion, Marshal, direction, DC, news, ideas ... etc.. This, has been cited d. Imam many models bulbar which dealt the Armenian issue. He concluded his study with a quote from Al-Ahram newspaper, Thursday, March 12, 1917: Germans and their pupils Unionists did not look to resolve the issue of the Armenians on this face (the establishment of the State of Armenian), it was their plan to erase the element Armenian. Was evident from their work and witness statements to reverse. With regard to the process of displacement of the Armenians to the mandate of the Arab Aleppo, Al-Ahram commented by saying: The party that has transferred it to the state of Aleppo Arabic, but they were Evnnounam in the road, because the purpose was not the correct deportation, but annihilation. In the context of this axis, dedicated researcher Syrian d. Nora Erician study on Armenians in the Syrian press. Has addressed d. Erician entry through the Syrian press issued since 1877 and even in 1930. According Its analyzes, alone in the Syrian press in a way to broach the subject and style your clarification, because the Syrians were witnesses to these events, which gave them the possibility to clarify the largest event objectively. Did not mean d. Erician eye-witnesses only the Syrian population, but I meant journalists and men of intellect and pen who have logged the event as a whole through the press. This has included the press that covered the study, 33 Syria is a political newspaper issued in Damascus, Aleppo and Homs, including, for example: the nation, progress, A & B, the capital, the future, the Iron Pen and others. The articles related to Armenians mainly include the following topics: News Armenians, described the carnage statistics on the number of Armenians, comparisons between the case of the Armenians and Arabs, certificates and comments. It should be noted that the owners of the pen Syrians have set off on the launch of their judgments of the principle that the Armenian issue is a humanitarian issue and disclosed them to expose exposing, so that the masses can be determined opinion and stance. It is up to the newspaper quoted in response to its owner Mohammed Ali (1908) has published more than 200 articles, especially the events of the Armenians, has followed Gazette displacement of Armenians to the Syrian desert, and then, stability in Syria. Thus, divided d. Erician these articles into three kinds 1- displace Armenians, numbering 2, 3 News stability in Syrian homes. Notes on the harvest quoted it was a stress on the idea of reconciliation between the different elements in the Ottoman Empire, and the preferred response regarding the issue of the Armenian policy of soft and wise far from violence. In addition to the excerpt, there is a newspaper Al-Qabas which was founded by Muhammad Ali with a response Shukri al-Asali in 1913 in Damascus. Has focused on this issue of the Journal of the Armenian reforms. On November 1, 1913, commented, Al-Qabas on the negotiations with Europe, Russia and the Ottoman Empire on the Armenian reforms, saying: The state is working to resolve the issue of the Ottoman Armenian on the way European or Russian. D .erician also pointed to the newspaper progress, which was founded by Shukri Knydraam 1908. On August 15, 1915, the newspaper wrote that nearly one million Armenians who were living in these states (Armenian) may be removed from their homelands, and denied to the south. The official position, has earmarked d. Erician through newspaper capital, the mouthpiece of the Syrian government, issued by the Sharif Hussein in the February 17, 1919 and freed the head Muhyiddin al-Khatib. The Gazette contained news fixed for Armenians in the door external news. And ended d. Erespan that all Syrian newspapers since 1877 and even in 1923, has expressed Armenian Western Bastalah eastern Anatolia, as it was called several times holders of Western Armenian or Armenian Ottoman Empire. When talking about the Ottoman Empire, Armenian reported being a piece of the Armenian piece, like the European or Alafriqih.ama, Mustlkh eastern Anatolia was the equivalent of six Armenian States. Also described the Syrian press what happened to the Armenians as genocide in a manner stated in newspapers Iron Pen (1916) and The Future (1917). In doing so, the Syrian press is an important source for documenting the conditions of the Armenians and the displacement of the six Armenian States and other desert to Syria and stability in various areas of Syria. In the same case, was allocated a fixed .For Sabri doctoral researcher at Ain Shams University study about the Armenian massacres (1894- 1896) among academics and hobbyists, A comparative study between the Egyptian historian d. Professor Abdul Aziz Shinawi modern and contemporary history at the University of Al-Azhar and the Egyptian adviser Fouad a well-kept. It should be up to d. Shinawi has devoted an important aspect of Armenian issue in the third part of his work for the famous Ottoman State: State and fabricated them. (Four parts). The Chancellor has dealt Hafez Armenian issue in the context of the book, which is monitoring the History of the Armenian people since ancient times until today (1986). In Getting Started, the researcher noted that d. Shenawi wrote about the Armenian issue from a religious perspective that the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate State, which resulted in them that any work carried out by the state have justifications, and reinforced this image by the conspiracy theory that the state surrounded by enemies of Islam. As Hafez, has dealt with the subject from the perspective of human concluded that the Armenian people has a distinct culture and history, and despite the fact that under the conditions set by the Ottoman occupation, it is his right to claim the conditions of reform, at least, for not getting on the wisdom of self-Oostqlalh at most. In the same context, despite the Academy Shinawi, it relied on sources of mono-orientation poured in Hungarian State Ottoman (Turkish), and therefore was a prisoner of the novels produced by governments and backgrounds of the Ottoman Turkish governments. Despite the lack of Academy Hafiz, his lack of scientific method in the research, it has been adopted on the rich and diverse library. Against this background, compare fixed between professor and adviser applied to eliminate Sasson massacres in 1894, the first wave in a series of massacres Hamedia that occurred during the years 1894-1896. And ended in comparison to that professor discussed the matter superficially, relying on only a single novel he drew from American historian very biased to Turkey, a Stanford Shaw, author of Alathanih Empire and Modern Turkey in English (two parts). The professor confusion between the concepts; when he said: the rebels terrorists Thus, the description Rebel with terrorist. In contrast, treatment counselor came more accurate; saying: massacres began in the August 15-September 15, 1894, while the professor said it has signed a late summer 1894. The Chancellor accept more from the standpoint of determining the number of dead in the massacres of Armenians Sasson. And at this pace / compare between Shinawi fixed and maintained in massacres in 1895, as well as the Ottoman Bank incident (August 26, 1896) and Matlaha of massacres against the Armenians. With respect to the second axis, initiated by d. Amina Ahmed Imam Shorbaji assistant professor of Islamic history at the Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University study mission on Armenian elements in Fatimid Egypt and its role in politics and civilization. Has been adopted on the mothers of the sources of Islamic history, such as: Ibn al-Atheer (full of history), the son of Khalkan (mortality Senate) son Ataiwar (picnic Almqlten in the news the two countries), Abu beauties bin entice Brady (Brilliant Stars in the kings of Egypt and Cairo), Suyuti (Hassan lecture on the history of Egypt and Cairo), Makrisi (Ataaz Alhanafa news of the Fatimid Imams Alkhalafa, Relief nation disclose sorrow, sermons and mind by mentioning plans and effects), and others. In this study, spotted d. Shorbaji towards the Armenian community in Egypt, the time of the Fatimid state, and their numbers gradually increased, especially after the advent of Badr al-Din aesthetic Armenian to Egypt. Over time, the Armenians no longer just a normal component, but have won many of the privileges that made them sit on the top of the political and military positions, and they play a role in enriching the intellectual and scientific movement. It should be noted that d. Shorbaji may HRDC in detail the Armenian era in the management of the Fatimid starting from Badr al-Din and his son aesthetic best passing Ahmad ibn al-Fadl and Jens Nuncio and Bahram and the end Btalaúa Rezzig Ben and Ben Rezzig Vanguards. In conclusion, the researcher studied conclude that the end of the era of the Armenian ended the era of political stability, economic prosperity and social cohesion in the entity Fatimid, and took the chaos and unrest are rife in this entity even intervened strong external and hatched plots and intrigues, and Egypt entered a new phase known as the era of Ministers. At the same axis came Study in the Armenian army Mamluk based on Arabic sources of preparation d. Artur two Israeli professor of history of the Arabs and Islam and head of the Department of Oriental Languages at the University of Yerevan State of the Republic of Armenia. This, has reviewed d. Two Israelis his mission and value through the first of three main axes: the Armenians in the Mamluk army, Secondly months princes and ministers in Mamluk Egypt, third was: Mamluk armys actions against Armenian Alsgra.ostnada to Arab sources, there are small teams of Armenians in the Mamluk army marine particularly Teams: validity, stamens, Adlip, Azizia, perfectionism, Ashrafieh. With regard to the most famous princes and ministers of Armenians in the administrative system in the State of the Mamluk sultans, said D.asraúalaan among them Chan Mwafi religion Aboul Fotouh, who Aad_ by Almqrizi_ characterization of the most famous Armenian notables in the Mamluk era. He has won the post of minister in the days of Sultan al-Zahir plum. As well as, Taj al-Din Abdel Razek (Omern Minister, Ostadar), Abdul Ghani Honorary seven (Amir, Minister, Ostadar) and others. Finally, he stopped d. Two Israelis to a series of campaigns against the Mamluk Armenian microprocessor (Quiliqh), which ended last drop in the Kingdom of independent Armenia in 1375. They arrived to this axis, the study was the image of military Armenians in Egypt through the sources of the Ottoman era, prepared by Dr.. Jamal Mahmoud Kamal winning a doctorate in modern history from the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University on Armenians in Egypt in the Ottoman period 1517 - 1798. According to a study d. Jamal Kamal, allowed to hold some Armenians to Islam and took the opportunity to senior management positions where we find Ramadan Agha Armenian who took Sharifianism Affairs and the Secretary was in Bahrain in 1664. In 1686, Ahmed became the Armenian Sardara Ali Agha range sporadic. The Armenian your Suleiman was the most important of the princes who gained prominence in Ottoman Egypt. According to the characterization Jabarti, Solomon was your good reason this money and served the Mamluks. The pay Sviac Menoufia and Western several times. It is such a, d said. Jamal Ali Kemal your personal Armenian who took Alsnagqah in 1722, as well as the governor of the Jirga. However, the most important positions held by Ali Bey was the position of Secretary of the amber in 1724. According to Habrta: Save Grain and disbursed to the beneficiaries, and the Holy salaries and endowments and yields Basha and blackberries, and relieved the people of his day. This, the sources were unanimous on the integrity of your Armenian Ali. And accept Dr. Jamal Kamal series of Armenian characters that have a role in the Ottoman era. Among them: Mohammed Summer Armenian, as well as, Nicholas Christian Armenian Egyptians who knew the name (Nicholas Rais). The Mamluks of your Dad Mohammed Dahab, and after the death of the latter entered service in Murad your military force, which was prepared by the money spent, and the newly established fleet, and make Nicola Armenian commander of this fleet. The witness Jabarti Ali put Nicholas said: It was mentioned Nicholas riding a horse, wears fancy clothes, and walking in the streets of Egypt and passengers in front of him and behind him Qguash expanding the way for him to ride the princes. Thus, the image of the military Armenians in Ottoman Egypt positive on the whole, but not without some drawbacks carried out by a group of Armenians. In the third axis, the private Berminah and Armenians in the Middle Ages, talked study d. Ahmed Abdel Moneim infection, the political situation in the state of Armenia in the era of Bani Marwan ibn al-Hakam 684-749 AD The study concluded that the past period between 684-749 is one of the more periods of Armenian political turmoil; was the subject of an Armenian on the frontier between the two Arab and Albezntah- during the Umayyad period - a great impact in guiding the fortunes and fates of Armenians during the long era of time. The conflict of both Arabs and Byzantines included Armenian, did not prevent it without desire Alennkrar Armenians (Liberals as contained in the Arabic sources) to control the unbridled potential of the country. But this ambition has not lived up to the tendency of independence never serious, it was suites layer Alennkrar Armenians from each Bgradona (Bgerati) and each Mamitjonaan, well aware that the Armenian independence from the Sultan of Damascus or Constantinople is beyond the potential of the Armenians (especially the military), and then money to policy of alliances with those strong, Fastqtab Byzantines Al Mamitjonaan, while Ali adopted the Umayyads in consolidating their rule Berminah - exceptions Tafifah- Ali Al Bgerati, and with time turned out to be a conflict between the two families Aeriktin detrimental to come to power under the banner of any Ketnazein the country. At the same time, the Umayyad dynasty was passing through a very sensitive internal actuated against her for the isolation of the self and running back to the Byzantines, and was the repressive policies practiced by Muhammad ibn Marwan against the Armenians, have paid the last two to the alliance with the Byzantines against Muslims. However, the emergence of the Khazars who appeared imminent danger to the influence of the Umayyad and Armenians are all made of the Umayyad rulers are turning to open a new page in relations with the Armenian nobles, also made Alennkrar Armenians themselves forget what happened to them at the hands of Mohammed bin Marwan. The shares of the alliance between Armenians and Muslims to reduce the effectiveness and success of the attacks Alkhozria leaders Umayyad installed in front of the Khazars. In contrast, took the Caspian opportunity Fathalfoa with the Byzantines, in order to pay the last two to attack the mouths of Muslims., Thus reducing the pressure Muslims to their forehead, as a result of preoccupation with Muslims pay rum from Asia Minor, was the matter remained undecided between Muslims and Alennkrar to be able Mohammed bin Marwan KD defenses Khazars, and the seizure of their capital and force the king to convert to Islam. Once again, pushed the circumstances of the Umayyad dynasty internally to retreat to self again, and running back to the Khazars, Byzantines all full-time in order to counter the threat of the rebels Abbasids. These circumstances have forced Marwan II to abandon his conquests impressive Caucasus, and the evacuation of stomata and border troops and fighter mobilized to counter the threat of the Abbasids. He was consistently the Byzantines always seize those opportunities to re-control of the Armenian, and then come back to it, and with them the influence of Al Mamitjonaan back again .. This axis also included studies for each of the d. Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Dessouki ethics of Fayoum on The Role of Armenians in the papal crusade policy during the first half of the fourteenth century, Abdul Aziz Droubi a Syrian writer for Armenian and the formation of the Armenian nation, and d. Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim, the ethics of Beni Suef on Armenian Muslims in the writings of travelers. ............................... Civilized dialogue-number: 4550 - 2014/8/21
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 09:49:10 +0000

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