Around 10 PM last night (at 6 AM I might as well call it last - TopicsExpress


Around 10 PM last night (at 6 AM I might as well call it last night), I was finishing a walk around Hoyt Lake, beer in hand, alone and under the assumption that I might well finish the lap without encountering anyone (as Id gone 7/8ths of the way at that point on an empty trail). But, twas not to be. Nearing the replica of the David statue, I passed a few people who at first not-at-all-clear glance appeared to be Buff State kids, one of whom was holding what looked to be a flashlight. I said a quick hello (which was returned by multiple voices) and walked on. A second later, a female voice said wait a minute, can you come back here? So I obliged, with a sporting wave of my beer. I made some mention of my not having of a light, and some male voice jokingly said were here to rape you. They all sounded maybe-buzzed, I couldnt tell, but in any event, it all seemed jovial. I had at this point not seen any of their faces (flashlight turned out to be a candle light). Upon approaching, I see the girl, who was hot, in a hot-for-walking-around-Hoyt-Lake-on-Friday-night way. She asked me, Have you ever done acid? I responded: No, I havent. She seemed legitimately surprised: Really? Me: No, seriously. I do get profiled though. Upon saying that, I realize the guy holding the candle-not-flashlight is black--but hes cool with my referencing my own experiencing of profiling--he laughs and says ah yeah the beard and everything, right. So its all fun and games, which is what I was hoping. Girl then asks me Do you know the science of it? Me, thinking the following answer would be good enough for this group: Well, sometimes I like to go onto erowid and read about others acid experiences. Live vicariously, you know. Her: But is it oxidized (with a couple more details)... Her question might have been and might continue to be an elementary question, but a.) I didnt and dont know the answer (I informed her: I dont know the specifics) and b.) such a question immediately made me both 1.) appreciative that this person existed and 2.) nostalgic for an era I never lived through, the late sixties and seventies, where people like her (and probably me) just did acid without stopping to ponder about specific chemical reactions that Timothy Leary probably never mastered despite his own viewpoints. McKenna mightve been a different story, so I wont mention him.... Cognitive dissonance as always. I wonder what the conversation was leading up to this encounter--she was probably the brains of the operation while the two guys she was with were more straightforwardly gung ho about taking acid? If I was profiled as an acid-taker, then Id in turn profile her companions as obvious acid novices. IDK, just still wondering. Or maybe this conversation arose out of nowhere. Guy holding the light was cool and charismatic enough to give me no clues either way. In 30 years (allow me that random estimate, based on historical precedent which surely wont hold for the future) well all be doing psychedelics with predetermined trip specifications where Ill never have to feel compelled to offer some bullshit response to an inquisitive and attractive person at Hoyt Lake or the like--and if Im alive then, Ill assuredly be finding a (probably good, in defense of my future self) reason to lament that fact rather than celebrating it.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 10:08:27 +0000

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