Around 4:30 p.m. this afternoon, Dennis and I were on our way home - TopicsExpress


Around 4:30 p.m. this afternoon, Dennis and I were on our way home after running a few errands and got a terrible scare...the kind that causes one to suck in their breath and ask for Gods help, all at the same time. There were 3 young boys, say, maybe 13 or 14 years old standing by the curb getting ready to cross the street. Two of the boys stopped right at the edge of the curb, the third boy, with a weird grin on his face proceeded to step right DEAD in front of our truck AND WE WERE WITHIN 2-3 INCHES OF HIM! By God grace and mercies, Dennis, almost like in fast motion, jerked his wheel to the right just enough to glaze his clothes. Mind you, there was traffic to our right and in back, so there was no way to sharply jerk to the left, we were sort of boxed in. We were going about 35 mph (the speed for Ash is 35). It all happened in mere seconds...this boy just steps out. We were both pretty shook up and continued down the road. This boy, Dennis said, just steps back looking dazed and with his arms up. Have no idea what this kid could have been thinking about to so dangerously step into traffic like that! Just so thankful we didnt hit or injure him!! When we got home I told Dennis he needed to make me a mixed drink to calm my nerves...a couple extra shots of Diet Pepsi to go with my Diet Dr. Pepper! Ha.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:20:45 +0000

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