Around 450 BC, several scribes decide to translate the Rigveda and - TopicsExpress


Around 450 BC, several scribes decide to translate the Rigveda and Yajurveda in Sanskrit language. For this, they break their texts in 10,800 stanzas. They divide each Stance in 40 Syllables. They calculate that their full implementation gathers 432 000 Syllables. Then, they complement with some stories Scholars, Scientists, Mystics, and Philosophical Essentials. In fact, 18 Songs divide their Encyclopedia. In Canto I - or Adipavan - they evoke the Origins of the Divine Dynasty. They study the characteristics of Major Supernatural Beings, a number of Demons and Gods Incarnate by Brahma at the Dawn of the Ages. They explain the course of the Great War who once been intended to relieve overcrowding of Earth she could no longer tolerate. They detail how the gods who have survived this confrontation, gave birth to a new Dynasty Heroes. And they point out that among the latter proved Dreuse Ganga, King Sätuna his Son Devarata, and the Incarnation of Dyau called Brishna. In their Chant II - or Sabhparavan - the Scribes gather all the stories they have learned from the Book of the Palace. In Canto III - or Vanaparavan - they dissect the Book of the Forest. In Canto IV - or Viratuparavan - they describe the Book of Virata; and among other things, by what means Abhiman created an incarnation of the god Vishnu, he named Krishna. Singing in the V - or Udyogaparavan - they define the Book of Preparation. And they copy down his stories describing the War of the Gods: Crowds flocked. On the huge armies focused on both sides. Brishna agreed to become Generalissimo of one of them. And it called for his sides Brother Draupadi Dhrstadyumna - the incarnation of the god of fire Agni - to assist him. . In Song VI - or Brishmaparavan - they illustrate the Book of Brishma. Chants in VII, VIII, IX and X - or Dronaparavan; Karnaparavan; Salyaparavan; and Teraparavan - they tell how Goddesses have coalesced at the end of the War of the Gods, defeated them, and have become the centerpieces of the World. They also say how they were then banished forever the Heavenly Mansions. Singing in the XI - or Huyatiparavan - they describe the way that allowed these Goddesses, resume their place in the Pantheon Divine. Chants in the XII and XIII - or Santparavan and Anusaparavan - they refer to the Book of Healing and Book of Education. In Song XIV - or Asuamedhhikaparavan - they cite the Book of the Horse Sacrifice. In Song XV - or Asparamavasikaparavan - they talk about the stay of the Hermitage, tell that Vidura is an Incarnation of Dharma, and say why it spawned Yudhisthira. In Song XVI - or Mausalaparavan - they reflect the Book of the Battle of Mace without and realize the end of Krishna and his people, Krishna was under several Curses. Indeed, he came to see his brothers and sisters killing each other. So it was the only survivor, and he now looked at his city being swallowed by the ocean. . In the XVII Chant - or Mahaprasthanikaparavan - they comment on the Book of the Long March: Feeling old, established Yudhisthira on the throne his nephew Pariksit. Then he left his kingdom. He walked a long time, even beyond the Himalayas. And one day he crossed the Gates of Paradise. . And finally, in the Canto XVIII - or Suaryarohaparavan - they indicate the various parts of the Otherworld that Yudhisthira crossed. And they score, Yudhisthira found his friends with joy. He saw the gods, or portions of the Gods incarnate. And he realized that they had taken their place, and their son were next to them. . Then the scribes then begin to decipher the Samaveda and Atharvaveda. They break their stories into four types of sacred texts: the Samhita, they immediately consider a Collection of Hymns Rituals celebrating one or more deities. They accompany him therefore requests special graces. They adjoin him the Brahmana: a Ceremonial Booklet written in prose, and gives specific instructions to the priest; the Aranyaka, which leads to internalization of the Ritual, which opens the Way to Secrets of Asceticism; and the Upanishad, which exposes the Mystique and the Vedic cosmology, which brings together a number of Myths and Legends, which describes the history of Krishna - the ninth incarnation of Brahma - accompanied by his worshiper Arjura. In fact, the scribes then they consider the mark Yajurveda, the Rigveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda as a single Employer. They see him as the Book of the Priest in charge of the Sacrifice. They think that they include formulas offer Ideal Rules to govern the foundation of a city. Besides these songs, the scribes write countless hymns that were once made by Brahmins. In the introduction, they point out that they belonged to families having held high Priestly and sacrificial duties. They speak several of their Incantations which stressed that God Primordial attached to the group is Adytya The Lord Brahma, because it distributes the goods equipment, but also the success and failure, the qualities and faults, all forms of Happiness and Woe, Luck and Destiny. They point out that his side are: Indra, the Incomparable Warrior Celeste who heals the sick or crippled animals, and, possibly, couplings; they detail the functions of his Son, God Kutsa; those Nasatya, the god who rejuvenates Men, enriches and brings out the milk and mead. They also state that a number of gods have a minor role in the Pantheon as: Aryaman, who is the patroness of various forms of cohesion at the heart of the Humane Society, who rules the Wedding, the Ways, Hospitality, free Traffic, Generosity and Abundance. They are accompanied by Bhaga, which ensures the successful allocation of goods within a clan. And, they are monitored by Bishnu, who commands the Genii representing the Dead but also Symbolizes Gangar ordered to occupy the last Divine rank. Then they whisper sentences involving the Invisible Deity Physics Force. They invoke the Sisters of it, and Bhavani Deitone. They chant Songs recalling that one of the ten incarnations of the god Vaynu was the wind, and another was the Lightning. They chanted laments designating an ancient Goddess once asked by Heroes. They glorify the vigor that it provided them to defeat their enemies Demonic: Anhuita the Wet, Forte, the free spot. They repeat Hymns for the protection of the Great Bras Bhimu, the Exploits Terribles, and Extreme Force. They revere the genius of Time Kala. They respect Arujna, who is engaged in a real orgy of cruelty against those protecting the Heavenly Fields. They admire the Servants of it when unleashed from Powerful Storms. They repeat odes to push the Goddess Sarasvati sacrificial. They decipher litanies aimed to appease the goddess Vac, as it was once destroyed Dévaned. They grow personifications of the god of death, Yama. They modulate Cantilènes designed to scare away the Demon Lord - and brother of Pandu - Madru. And finally, they pound chants regularly hunt Nakula and Sahadeva Twins, World And finally, they transcribe Tales recounting the exploits of the first creatures created by the gods: the Amusa Spanta - or Beneficent Immortals. They extol Tvastar, which is the Master of the Guardians of the Three Worlds, Slayer of Demons, the Protector of Men, and the Benefactor of Heroes. They mark a Psalm explaining that Krishna is the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, and it is the latter which is more properly the Human. They narrate the stories that evoke the Natural Powers of the Sun, Moon, Mountains, Seas, Rivers, the Rocks, the Winds, and Ancestors. At the heart of these, they point out that the Water Purifying terrifies men, having been the cause of many Cataclysm. But above all, they mark beside them: Since that day, the Sublime Sovereignty Gods lia all Human Beings the Lords Celestial. It allowed them to see far and near. Whoever ran, the man who came by stealth, the gods knew them. They knew everything. Who did not move, walking and running, who looked stealthily, who rushed, that two men whispering away, they knew. One day, they offered the Earth than here at Varuna. The gods Oceans were the cavities of his belly. And they gave him therefore the possibility to hide in a drop of water. In fact, one who passed on the other side of the world could no longer escape King Varuna. It adjoined his servants thousand Prunelles will constantly examine the Sol, browse the Empire. Through them, he saw everything that was below or above. He managed to count the eyes of men winks as a dice player. And he managed to handle them at will. Moreover, Varuna was the Waxing Moon. Mitra was the Waning Moon. Varuna was the beginning. Mitra was the end. Varuna was the fire that burns. Mitra was the fire is extinguished. Varuna was Peace. Mitra was the Conqueror Violence. Varuna was the Temporal Power. And Mitra was the Spiritual Power. Finally,, Varuna was the Mage Sovereign West. Indra was the Warrior of the North. In the East, Kubera was the Master of Resources. And South, Yama was the monarch of the Kingdom of the Dead. . Further: Just when Bhima appeared vagu born: the embodiment of one of the most fearsome servants of Kali. Threatening Omens then made known. To prevent these from occurring, Angels advised the father of vagu to sacrifice it. Father of vagu refused to listen. And so it was that it ushered in a Period during which countless misfortunes occurred. . Further: The Wise Old boarded their Ark and were saved from the flood after the latter has engulfed the world. Then, after the past several weeks on the water, they touched a new Earth. They set foot, took their lives ascetic, but also began writing two great Heroic Poems: the Ramayana and Mahabharata. In the Ramayana, the Wise described it thus Rama, the heir to the kingdom of Ayodhya. They explained that he had lived there 64,800 years. And they advanced it would have traveled to the foot of the Himalayas. While in the Mahabharata, they set out warrants events that led to the war of succession between the five Pandava brothers and their Cousins Kauravas. They also stressed that both Clans wanted to seize power in the Kingdom of Hastinapura. And they marked: There was a conversation between Arjuna and Krishna. Arjuna spoke Epoch where all Living Beings - Animals and Plants - living in a world governed by Divine Balance. He pointed to Krishna, one day, suddenly, Evil appeared on Earth; Discord that sowed the Vice and Arbitrary on Earth, the College Caste was stunned, and that the gods had to oppose the nascent Chaos. . They also taught how, from that moment, Gods and Heroes were regularly approached by humans. They declared that they once counted heavily on them to reign in their Harmony Society. They détaillèrent a number of cities built by them - Hastinapura, Varanasi, Dvakara, Ayodhya or Madras - the high walls surrounded the agrémentèrent golden roofs, showed the peculiarities of their Gigantic Palace - among others with fountains - and noted that in the air wearing scented sweet melodies wherever they could. They conjured their Sacred Crossroads haunted by Yaksini and Yaksa. They personified some Yaksini female - and also named Salabhanjika; or Female Spirit dwelling in the Tree - with their opulent forms meant to attract passersby and pilgrims. They imitated the Yaksas - male, and often confused with Ganas such as Bharhut - by embodying them in the form of the Giants features frozen, showing very little natural gestures and turned into mountains. And They stated that Yaksini and Yaksa were Genii capita thickets surrounding these bifurcations; but also columns that are high in the center. . Sages and their add illustrations of how, at the Dawn of the Ages, Anu was emasculated and stripped of his dignity as the Supreme God; to surround tricornes of Pasupati, they sometimes replace the horns by Moon Crescents effigies; ornament of the gods sitting in lotus with strange feathers, and framed by two kneeling worshipers, behind which two cobras unfold like umbrellas; to enrich each female form wearing two branches pipal, and before which stand Clerics wearing horned headdresses; and adorn the symbolization of the Mother Goddess Usas - which is also the Goddess of Dawn. To 430 before our era, Mahapadma Nanda crosses borders of the small kingdom of Kalinga. He soon won a landslide victory against the armies of one. And thats why he erected a statue of Jain Hathinagumpha honoring the gods, in the center of Battlefields.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:39:15 +0000

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