Arrows to the Heart >>>----------> Monday Jan 12, 2015 by Roger - TopicsExpress


Arrows to the Heart >>>----------> Monday Jan 12, 2015 by Roger Webb: Preacher in the Wild Power: The ability to get results For the child of God living within them is supernatural power that is not of this world but of a world that is invisible and that invisible world is called the kingdom of God. When one grasps that, supernatural results takes place for them when they with faith in God and His word refuse to live in the natural but live where another set or rules exist in the kingdom of God. Getting a hold of this one can pull things out of the invisible and see them materialize in everyday life. Power is promised. Jesus declared that we would receive the kind of power God has and exerts after the Holy Spirit has come upon us. When we realize Gods power is available and resides in us as believers we can bypass natural limits and step into a world (the kingdom of God) where natural law has to bow its knee to those who are living in kingdom principals. Let me break this down to where you live. Everyday we are faced with challenges that to often can become overwhelming. As a child of God if we do not look to Gods Word but only focus on our circumstances, we can easily get overtaken and become quickly buried deep beneath problems that we are promised we can have victory over. What happens when we do not trust God and His wonderful promises, this natural worlds limits bounds us to a life where natural laws and principles rule. Power: the ability to get results. Many believers are living way below a life promised by God Himself. I’m not saying we can live a life without problems or challenges (it would be nice but God has not promised a life like that). What I am saying, we can live a life where we experience supernatural breakthroughs and see the hand of God move things in our favor. In God’s wisdom He knows how to bring us into situations where we can see His power (that resides within us) work and move natural limits out of the way and step into a power that get kingdom results. Power only works for those who take time and effort to exercise the on switch, and that on switch is called, FAITH. Kingdom power kicks the doors off their hinges and blast away every opposing force trying to stop the flow of victory when we refuse to let go of what is plainly declared ours. Within us is the power plant of supernatural abilities and outcomes when we realized and enforced kingdom authority. My friend supernatural power resides in you so don’t allow fear or lack of understanding keep you from walking in victory. An old saying that I have repeated many times is this; it’s time to knock the dumb off! You may ask how do we do that? Plain and simple… Get educated! Roger that sound hard you may say. Not hard at all it is actually very easy, open up your bible and let the power of the Holy Spirit go to work for you. You will find out He will open your eyes to truth and yes my friend that truth will make you free. Kingdom results are promised when we allow the power of God to demolish strongholds in our minds that are limiting us from walking in kingdom principles that promise kingdom results. Yes we have a power working in us and that Power has the ability to get results! KINGDOM RESULTS! Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 1 Cor 2:9-12
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:36:24 +0000

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