Arsenal-We help talent grow and sell them in their prime. We dont - TopicsExpress


Arsenal-We help talent grow and sell them in their prime. We dont like to spend but we changing now. Real Madrid-We hardly help talent grow, we simply buy the stars. We will break the bank to get whom we want except for hardcore cules. Barcelona-We create stars, and we do buy stars too. Most stars we buy never flourish except for a few. Ajax-We usually create stars, hardly ever spend on buying. PSG-We use Arab money to buy stars. Man City-We are no different from PSG. We make players expensive for no reason. We are also trying to copy Barcas route to success but eish Arab money is just too hard to resist. We just have to buy. Chelsea-We buy too many upcoming talents using Russian money, say we want to build for the future, but loan them and keep buying more older players in their prime(confused minds). Tottenham-We spend on quality players and any good player we want but we never consider if they will suite the team. Hardly good scouting. Newcastle-We buy mostly french men. Our team is full of them. Man Utd-we dont spend a lot. But now Sir Alex is gone, we are going to spend like crazy. Moyes put us in this. Atletico-We create or help a new striker blosom to top quality every season then sell him. Rest of La Liga-we always sell our stars to balance our books. Barca and Real are bullies. Liverpool-we buy, but not a lot. We help strikers blosom, sell them and they become flops. Monaco-We are in the same boat with PSG and Man City. Bayern-we constantly buy from close rivals to weaken their team. Ask Dortmund. Dortmund-we help create stars. Bayern always bullies us around. But we keep on fighting and creating more talent. Helping it develop. AC Milan-we sold most of ours stars, saying we cleaning up. Now we just flops in Europe. Eish Allegri killed us. Juventus-we were relegated for match-fixing but managed to buy what we needed, great scouting we did. We dont buy big stars, and spend too much but buy to build a winning team. We reaping off the success now. Inter-Milan-we just cant keep hold of ours stars anymore. They all go and we now just a flop. Our transfer policy is weak too. Porto-We buy players for a very cheap price, maybe £2 million and sell them in two seasons for more than £20 million. We help talent blossom. Our business is great and we make great profits yet still competing well in Portugal. We the best money makers in Europe using players. We see potential where most people dont. We the best at what we do.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 05:11:42 +0000

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