Arsenal have the Advantage in the Title Race – Stability - TopicsExpress


Arsenal have the Advantage in the Title Race – Stability WILL THE NEW BOSSES CUT IT? Stability is something we have an abundance of at Arsenal, with Arsene Wenger now the current longest serving manager in the English game. With all the top teams changing managers this season, it could prove an ideal opportunity for Arsenal to capitalize on the adjustment period that these other teams will surely go through, and however short that period may be, it would still be long enough for Arsenal to take advantage of the situation. Some will feel that part of our opportunity over these teams was to strengthen during this transfer window, which mind you, is still open, but we’re cutting it very close in that department. Let’s not get into transfers though, as that is an entirely different kettle of fish. Although it’s still very early to tell for sure, I want to take a quick look (very quick look) at these new managers and let’s discuss how they’re likely to fair at their new clubs… DAVID MOYES…. We’ll start with the current title holders, and geez!! I mean let’s be honest; whoever replaced the legendary Sir Alex was always bound to come up short, at least in his first season, but Moyes?? I would have expected someone who’d at least won something before trying to take over the reigns from someone who’s won EVERYTHING! Sir Alex did hand pick him though; don’t ask me why because I can’t think of any other reason apart from the fact they’re both Scots. And now they’re calling him “The Chosen One”?? Gimme a break please… Look, I quite liked Moyes when he was at Everton; I thought he did a fantastic job with the limited resources he had, made some great signings etc. However, he was a mid-table manager of a mid-table team, but now we have to measure him against the criteria for being a top tier manager. I know it’s probably too soon to make a judgment on his ability at this level, but he does look out of his depth, doesn’t he? First thing I noticed was no more track suits, all suited up now, good call Dave. He’s not doing too well in the transfer market though is he? On that point, let’s be honest, which top top top player wants to play for David Moyes? David who?? You get the point… If people say that Arsene inherited a great squad when he took over, then ol’ Dave really hit the jackpot. I must admit, where I lost respect for him was his comments that Martinez should “do the right thing” and let Baines and Fellaini go. You sneaky little weazle! Just smacked of desperation that one. If you caught the Chelsea vs. Utd game Monday night you would have noticed such a huge difference in Utd. I couldn’t believe that was Utd at Old Trafford, and the 2nd half was no better either; I guess he should ask Fergie to teach him the proper technique to fling the hairdryer – all in the wrist Dave. VERDICT: Just seems out of his depth to me. If he does cut it, it’s going to take him a while. If he doesn’t and gets the sack, he’ll get paid out for a 6yr contract, so not a bad move for him either way. MANUEL PELLEGRINI… In my own management career (not football management) I always maintained that the defining quality of a manager, and one which no University can teach you, is presence. A person of authority should have a commanding presence about them. The first time I walked into my new club (health club) all the members asked the staff “Is that the new manager?” Presence speaks volumes about a leader’s ability. Mr Pellegrini has a strong presence about him, and that suites the size of the club that he’s just walked into. He’s made some good signings, but let’s be honest, when you have an unlimited budget to buy players, no salary cap to restrict you, and you can offer potential signings the chance to play with some of the biggest names in world football, you don’t need to be a great negotiator. Nonetheless, we’ll give him credit for that anyway. Now about that game against Cardiff… Welcome to the EPL Manuel! Mourinho said in his post match interview after the Villa game “This is what I missed, every game is tough here. In Spain we know we win all our home games, it’s easy, but in England every game is tough”. Not sure if Manuel was expecting to roll over smaller teams like they do in Spain, but he certainly got a wakeup call, didn’t he? VERDICT: For me Mancini didn’t have a powerful enough presence, and you need that when you’re trying to gain the respect and commitment of highly paid mercenaries. I think Pellegrini will do well but he may have a rocky start, and he seriously needs to sort out his defence! JOSE MOURINHO…. I won’t say too much about the Special One because we know his pedigree and he’s more than proved himself in England. He seems to have changed; lost a bit of the arrogance, which is good for Chelsea but bad for the entertainment factor of the EPL – we all need an arrogant bastard to hate, and he was that. The man is a winner, end of. His squad is lacking a clinical finisher and I’m sure he’ll add one before the window shuts, whether it be Rooney or not. VERDICT: With Mourinho back at the helm, Chelsea are title favourites in my book. BRENDAN RODGERS… No, he’s not new but I want to just add him here so I can say what a TWAT I think he is! I had big respect for Brenda previously and what she achieved with Swansea, but her behaviour this summer has made her my choice for this season’s “arrogant bastard”. I think it’s good in some ways what he did with the Suarez scenario, as Gary Neville said “Big clubs need to put their foot down with players”. I also feel that players need to learn the value of a contract, otherwise what’s the point signing 4-5 year deals; might as well just put everyone on month-to-month contracts since they feel they can force a move whenever they want to. But when he started opening his fat gob and slating my beloved club; insinuating we have a lack of class, and that we are a smaller club compared to Liverfool, I just lost it! It’s as if he was trying to convince Suarez to stay by slagging off Arsenal. Is that class?? Then talking about commitment and honouring a contract after he dumped Swansea to make his dream move to Liverpool, simply hypocritical. Note that during all that time, Arsenal never spoke publicly about Suarez but he was shooting his mouth off at every opportunity. When asked about it, Arsene replied “We will respect what Liverpool want to do”. Now that’s class Brenda! VERDICT: As stated, he’s a tremendous twat and I cannot wait for his visit to the Emirates! So there you have it folks. I don’t know why I just can’t be optimistic about Moyes. Pellegrini will have City up there but I see them dropping too many points to win the league. Chelsea are strong favourites but hey, who knows really. That’s what makes this the best league in the world right? No prizes for guessing the top 2 teams in Spain this season, but with the EPL the fat lady has to wait for the last whistle of the last match. All in all, this is the best season for us to gain some ground on our competition. It’s a two-sided coin really; we could be up there with the top teams, or fighting with the likes of Spurs and Liverpool. The question is, will Wenger seize the day by adding the quality we need to challenge? Which side of the coin do you see Arsenal doing battle – up there with the top teams or scraping for 4th spot again? And who’s your choice for “arrogant bastard” this season?
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:35:37 +0000

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