Art-Force and the National Rural Assembly are hosting a convening - TopicsExpress


Art-Force and the National Rural Assembly are hosting a convening of rural practitioners and leaders, artisans and artists, entrepreneurs and philanthropists, policy makers and nonprofit organizations for three days of dialogue, workshops, and exploration of how partnerships between the creative arts and agriculture can produce innovative strategies for economic redevelopment and well-being in rural and economically distressed communities. Call for Sessions, Presenters, Facilitators ( The Cross-Currents : Arts + Agriculture Powering Rural Economies Program Planning Committee is seeking presenters, facilitators, workshop leaders, and topic ideas for multiple time slots throughout this conference. We are looking for diverse leadership and bold ideas, experiences, and examples that can speak to and further our thinking within the following six focus areas: Artisan + Agricultural Entrepreneurs entrepreneur What promising practices exist to build the entrepreneurial skills of artists and farmers? How are artists being connected to manufacturing opportunities? (ie: mentoring and apprentice programs, artists in residence in culinary arts programs, agripreneur training, rapid prototyping and innovative industrial design) Creative Infrastructure entrepreneur What physical, organizational, and social infrastructure can more effectively support the creative and ag sectors? What unique models exist across rural and urban America that might inform how we move forward? (ie: repurposing Main Street buildings, developing community alliances, organizing a food hub) Rural Ingenuity + Creativity entrepreneur What models exist for identifying rural cultural and agricultural assets and building on those assets to create viable economic opportunities? Getting to Scale entrepreneur How can local food entrepreneurs and local artisans better engage with demand to grow opportunities? (ie: unique food distribution models; niche value-added agriculture; arts incubators and aggregators; food processing, packaging, and distribution; fabrication; etc.) Your Story entrepreneur How do you make the case for the impact that arts and ag have on rural places? How do you attract investors to move your work forward? Policy entrepreneur How are local, state, and federal resources being used to support arts and agriculture? What models exist for effective, supportive policy? Proposals, addressing one of the above categories, should align with one of the following formats: Workshop Ninety or one-hundred twenty minute interactive discussion with prepared curriculum Panel Sixty, seventy-five, or ninety minute facilitated discussion among no more than three (3) participants Innovative Practice Presentation Twenty minute talk Hands-On Activity Thirty minute engagement with conference participants in a plenary session
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 14:46:47 +0000

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