★Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracles★ Alot to read - TopicsExpress


★Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracles★ Alot to read through here my lovelys...but easier for me if I tune in and post in all one go :) Enjoy xx many Blessings x ◆Card 1◆ Tuning through the energys for those drawn here my lovely lots of deep intense blues, emotional healing being brought through from spirit. Much going on here for you my lovelys..underneath the surface, within, without. A feel as though there are issues within members of the family..health, interpersonal relationships. More being piled on and on..up n up not being able to see the woods for the trees at times. Mistrust of self..have i said the right or wrong thing?? Walking on eggshells..basically having a gutsful at a certain point..bugger this im done type of feel :) Ok..here we go :) Easier said than done I know but woosh spirit coming through so strong to show me..we can all be the old dragon. Hiding away, protecting our own precious broods. We each have times of feeling and active secretive and find it hard to see past our own perspectives. Understands that for every reaction serves an action and round n round we go..neverending. Enough is enough. Draw a line in the sand. Time to get over..step over..reach over. Time to move on. Forwards. Whats done is done..in some cases yes. Best left well behind but in other circumstances. You know the ones that stipl give the pang of unresolved inside. Swallow some pride and extent the hand out once more my lovely :) Build bridges. In some cases im told here to say..we can choose our friends but not our family. If nobody makes the first move then nothing will change or resolve. Comprises have to be made my lovelys. In some cases 2 years will pass by again. Take the opportunity if it arises. Before xmas maybe a big ask but definately going through into the new year. New year..fresh starts :) Im being given the months of July, Oct, June as remembrances and significance. Also im aware of an older gentleman in spirit drawing close for someone here. Im hearing the name Charlie. Sitting down, with pipe..sparkly eyes..in his chair in front of an open fire. Quite a stren character..in that he would take no nonsense..but such a warmth of heart..he shows me a slight squint to one of his eyes..left..not one to say alot of such but when he spoke everyone listened. Quite happy here puffing away bless..he liked his clocks.♥Merry xmas ♥ ◆ Card 2◆ Strong energys coming through here as I connect through my lovelys. Likd a feel to say parting of waysl loss of relationships, death of the old, change. Hell of alot through the past 8 months. Quite hectic energy. Not knowing when my head or my arse is at times. Deep breaths. I feel like want to say in that the parting of ways in this energy is ready to leave your life now too. Im seeing a pair of golden scissors from spirit working to cut it all away from your auric body. Also im being drawn down to look at a massive pair of work boots now and spirit are trying to lift your feet away from these heavy, clunky, boots thats are weighing you down. Showing that it feels like those drawn here have felt as though they are trying to wade themselves away for so long. Its like ive forgotten that im stuck in one place. Given up the fight but im quite happy where i am right now..thank u very much. I dont see that im indeed stuck in one place. Love coming through so strong now. Theres so much more you can hold. So much more to reach out for Cariad. You dont fool spirit. Theres more to see, more to recieve,more to fight for. If only you would see and go out into the world of unknowns. Right at your fingertips. Dont be afraid. Spirit are flowing towards you the divine spark of life. Someone here has really felt that they cant face the outside world or anybody xx Bless your heart xx So much love and reassurance in that will be ok my sweetheart. All is working out at the right time and at the right pace. But for others theres a boot being placed up the backside to get a shift on..life is passing you by. Enough dilly daddling. Sorry if comes accross as harsh but this is the energy spirit lends to me here for your message :) Connecting through the gentleman in spirit shows himself as wearing a navy military uniform..showing in his early..mid 20s but he did live through til old ages as he shows me himself sitting with a blankets..checked..around his knees but some confusion of mind. He disliked this time as he felt himself to be vunerable..or weak and he was very strong a character in his hay day. Not gettin a name but the initial M with this gentleman and he lends his energy to be forthright, direct and decisive to those drawn here . Months of Nov, Jan, August, March as rememberances or significance and also a gift of beautiful white lillies to you from spirit xx Blessings xx ◆Card 3◆ Lots of purples, yellows, oranges..flowing through the card as im connecting through for those drawn here. Spirit wrapping you up in warmth, love, appreciation, upliftment and spiritual Vibrations. Feel to say that even though it has been hard. The batgle has been overcome and won :) Maybe not to exact plan as in directions as was first set off in. Maybe a few of the wrong horses that have been backed along the way. But you know what..the last hurdle is being jumped over and i can see through the mist..right at the winning line. Strange the way the horse draws me in on the cards and the connection to the message thats coming through for you know my lovelys is quite unusual. Its like im looking at horses..running in a race..some lapping themselves over and over..eyes on the prize. They seem to be the winners at first. But right at the last moment they falter..tumble..fall..over zealous foals. Next comes up the surely but steady..they had belitted the poor lil Donkey..laughed in their faces and not one saw..would never have the chance to take that prize. Oh pity the fool that rides the Donkey. How wrong were they to be :) Crossing first over that golden winning line. Whatever the unexpected...expect that golden opportunity to land on your doorsteps now for you my lovely. The next 5 year cycle im told here..the universe is backing you :) This is to be your race..you game. Those drawn here have been the steadfast energys. You have learnt your truths in the hardest of ways. Accept you have earned your place here as the winner. Promises that no longer will you be trampled over. Courageous truths and have bent the knee in service to another. Gone without so another would not suffer. In the smallest and also at times the largest of ways. Spirit are sending you a salute here in recognition my lovely..being blessed, honoured with a kiss on both cheeks. Accept these blessings now and be ready to soar :) Sept, march, april, june as rememberances..Feb more to look out for..looking forwards as new opportunities being abundant. I have a gentleman here in spirit also..Dave/David sounding..feels very brotherly in his link. Tall..very slim..lanky..as he put it n laughs. Very cheeky character..hell of a boy..moustache, dark hair, fag hanging out his mouth but i feel like hes taking me back to around the 80s :) Raising his glass saying Merry xmas n remember him..and the energy with this feels like you couldnt ignore him or forget him..he was too much bloody noise he says lol xx Bless xx ♥★♥ Much love and light to you all xx Blessings xx x
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:42:03 +0000

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