Art of ANY kind is subjective. It should be a topic of - TopicsExpress


Art of ANY kind is subjective. It should be a topic of conversation to show how each of us sees the same thing from our individual perspective. Opera is no different. It is indeed sad that the Met decided to cancel the HD viewing, but luckily they have not cancelled the 8 performances. John Adams response: My opera accords great dignity to the memory of Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer, and it roundly condemns his brutal murder. It acknowledges the dreams and the grievances of not only the Israeli but also the Palestinian people, and in no form condones or promotes violence, terrorism, or anti-Semitism. The cancellation of the international telecast is a deeply regrettable decision and goes far beyond issues of “artistic freedom,” and ends in promoting the same kind of intolerance that the opera’s detractors claim to be preventing.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 22:48:42 +0000

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