(Arteries as Smooth and Clear as a Baby’s) What would you say - TopicsExpress


(Arteries as Smooth and Clear as a Baby’s) What would you say if I told you that you could not only clear all the plaque out of your arteries but also reverse arterial damages? What would you say if I told you that you could make your hard, stiff arteries as soft and flexible as they were when you were a youngster? And what would you say if I told you this is possible even if you spent the first half of your life smoking, eating trans fats, and being a couch potato? You’d probably be skeptical. “Your newsletter is one of the best among many I have read. We have used a number of items to benefit our personal health care.” Dr. Norman G. Anderson, Leesburg, FL Well, dear friend, the startling truth is even the most severe cases are reversible. And I have over 2,700 patients who can attest to this fact. Many of these patients had blockages so severe that their doctors told them they’d die if they didn’t have a bypass immediately. Many had chest pain so bad that they were popping nitroglycerin like it was candy. And many were in such bad shape that they could barely walk the length of their living room without getting tired. Yet within 3 to 5 months, these folks were able to have normal, active lives. They were able to breathe again, move again, resume the activities they enjoy, and regain their independence. What’s more, their stress tests and echocardio-grams went back to normal. And, perhaps most telling of all, their Arterial Stiffness Index scores dropped by up to 80% or more! How did they get these miraculous results? Through CheZone™, a treatment that combines chelation and ozone therapy. Earlier in this letter, I told you about how ozone therapy turbocharges your body’s ability to regenerate cartilage, bladder tissue, and other cells. Well, ozone has also been shown to speed up the regeneration of the cells of your arteries. So when you combine the cell-regenerating effects of ozone with the plaque scrubbing effects of chelation, you literally end up with brand-new arteries!... EDT chelation supplements are cheap, but better if a Dr. of medicine, or Dentist, can administer it intravenously along with H2O2 (Peroxide or Vit C which turns to Peroxide in the bloostream). add ACV and your Kikkin your heels every day!! lol... wink... - DTM
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 22:45:06 +0000

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