Arthur Cristian Yesterday at 07:49 · Weve Gotta Get Out Of - TopicsExpress


Arthur Cristian Yesterday at 07:49 · Weve Gotta Get Out Of The System - https://youtube/watch?v=TRVuJxIRd9U - Copied from here: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1458067167799247 and our comment copied from here: https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10204529833393907 - The name is every letter, word, number, measurement, calendar, etc, of ANY read and write alphabet language. The supermarket is a name containing many, many names. The suburbs, cities and towns are names containing many, many names. The roads, highways, byways, streets, avenues, etc, are names containing many, many names. The libraries, courts, governments, institutions, corporations, banks, economies, arenas, cinemas, media, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, etc, are names containing many, many, many, many, names. The System is a name containing many, many, many, many, many, many, names. The Mark (created by pen, pencil, ink, digital-data, etc, on paper, hard-drives, etc) is the Name and the Beast IS The System of Names. Use/rent any name and you are still contracted (BOUND) to The System of that name, be it United States of America, Australia, England, United Nations, NATO, EU, WTO, New South Wales, Queensland, Texas, Plymouth, Beirut, Tel Aviv, Moscow, Rydalmere, Windsor, Post Codes, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, and to the next version of The System to come, currently identified as the name NWO (One World/Earth/Planet GovernMENt, Military, Money/Commerce, Education, Law, Language, etc). Do you fully comprehend? The Birth Certificate is ONLY a very tiny part of a massive world of make-believe names that keep you trapped in it. Giving up name on Birth Certificate DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE LEFT THE SYSTEM of NAME, instead you/we continue to be completely trapped in it. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The Freemasonic/Satanic Intel networks have got you exactly where they want you to be. For these Satanists/Freemasons to win this war waged by them and their ancestors against all of their brothers/sisters of MAN across Earth, they must keep MAN trapped under name, using name, renting name, living with/by name, etc, etc, (currently in ways beyond most peoples present comprehension) so that their captives (to/of name) will sail over the seas of name, from the old world of name to the new world of name and forever remain trapped under name. Name is the WORD = The Living Word of God created by their founding father, SATAN (a MAN), the Grand Architect of The System of names. The living word of God (as in the Bible) is a terrible, terrible, lie. The Word IS NOT LIVING. Name is a thought/picture without sensory-life embodied in present-sense. This is explained below in a post put up today. When people claim they own land or money or home, etc, they are lying and misleading everyone who gets infected by these lies. The land does not come forward and explain in its own tongue that anyone under any name owns it. Neither does a tree or a bird or water, air, insects, animals, stars, planets, etc, claim/do this either. ONLY a duped brainwashed MAN, practised in lying and committing fraud, will come forward to commit a crime like this. They commit a crime because they claim they own land, mountains, valleys, hillsides, rivers, children and other men and women and they can ONLY do this under the name of whatever name/names they re-present (perform for). The rivers, hillsides, etc, know nothing of ownership, or of name. Ownership is derived from name, including us when we claim ownership over who we are. This is ego. The fact is NO ONE OWNS anything of reality, life, nature, earth, MAN, etc...... This picture tells us only a very, very tiny piece of the big picture puzzle of our enslavement to nameand is what the freedom/truth movement and all the INTEL networks focus on. It is only a very small part of the scam. Giving up the birth certificate does NOT set you free! All alphabet languages are based on name and we are using an alphabet language to try and get away from the name. We have been trained in an alphabet language and educated in an alphabet language so that we rely ONLY on an alphabet language. This is how they have got us. Until we move completely away from our system name training, we are trapped in The System of name no matter how much of their name paperwork we file or reject. We are using a name based alphabet language to expose the name scam while at the same time we rely on it for our true freedom. How can the lie give us freedom? It cant! Refer to this post from today Discussion With Brother Gregory Clearly Demonstrating Christianity Is Part Of The Problem & Not The Solution Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life Between the 12th and 19th May 2014 Every moment of life is unique and original, never repeated, never the same. Every moment throughout the whole of the dream of life is unique and original, just as every grain of sand, every drop of water and every living creature is unique and original. MAN is supposed to be unique and original but we are brought up in a man-made system that has those around us putting the images that are programs of e-motion into our heads again and again and again so that we start repeating them again and again and again in our lives to the point where there is barely anything unique and original about us anymore. We become trapped in the e-motion, thinking it is true and real, to the point where we will fight for it and do harm to uphold it. We fight for our Christianity, our Buddhism, our race, our culture or our Anthroposophy but none of it is unique and original; all of it is ideas put into our heads by other men and women. There is nothing unique and original about the Bible or the Torah or political doctrine or philosophy or system science or mathematics and alphabet languages. As soon as someone puts a program in your head, you are no longer thinking unique and original thoughts. The System is just made up of e-motion, programs of unnatural pictures that we perform repeatedly over and over and over again for a whole lifetime. There is nothing unique and original here, nothing unique and original about the music of The System, the sport of The System, the politics of The System, the education of The System. We did not create these e-motions naturally, instead we were forced-fed garbage to rot the sacredness of life, of your life and the life of your families, communities and nature all-around. Walking into The System is walking into a room of mirrors and living our lives out of the reflections in the mirrors, thinking that those reflections are genuine and real. But in The System, thanks to the reflections, everything has been desecrated - the air, the food, the water, nature and MAN. We are in conflict with these reflections of man-made images. They compel us to perform as senseless drones of mayhem throughout our lives trapped in a perpetual cycle wrestling with imaginary foes and siding with illusory allies, all the while doing immense harm to who we really are and what we are really part of. We are all suffering because we are not supposed to desecrate the uniqueness and originality of life and we are not supposed to be forcing each other to live under the image power of other men and women. As soon as we put stuff into our childrens heads, we are desecrating their uniqueness and originality. The creator of the dream of life is unique and original, without beginning or end, just as we, MAN, are unique and original without beginning or end. We fall for the morally and logically correct truths of our chosen belief systems and then accept as valid the rest of the belief system, by default. We forget to examine and use logic and scrutiny and become misled and mislead others because we havent thought things through and have become blind to the harm caused by our belief systems, the reflections. And then we doubt each other, our families, our friends, our community and nature all-around because the reflections have made us aliens to everything real and living. Now we have brothers and sisters turning against each other, families fighting and the chaos of social unrest, wars and harm-doing every which way we turn. And who do we blame for all the chaos? The reflections and our brothers/sisters lost to those reflections. Why do we have so much doubt? Why do we doubt who we are and doubt each other? The reflections. This uncertainty that we learn in The System comes from the loss of uniqueness and originality. We doubt ourselves because we dont know who we really are and live our lives following programs that are not who we really are. If we do not know who we really are, we have doubt. None of the so-called remedies found in The System of reflections work because they do not honour the uniqueness and originality of all of life and continue to desecrate the sacredness of life. Those behind Ubuntu like Michael Tellinger have just kidnapped the name and set it up as a political party. Nothing unique and original. This is the same with all freedom movements. See the Facebook discussion about Eckhart Tolle here https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/10204322437169131 and here https://facebook/arthurcristian/posts/695542583816854; again we are being told what to think and feel and how to act. The sacredness of MAN has been forsaken. The only way out of this man-made system mess is for us to stop imposing our image power (reflections) onto others and to start taking the steps to free our children and each other so that we can return to celebrating the uniqueness and originality of every moment forevermore. We were all (MAN was) meant to be raised by nature all-around us and not by man-made education/brainwashing/instructions/explanations. This is the ONLY way we can be an original unique MAN in present-sense. For MAN, Earth/Nature to prosper MAN must be free of brainwashing/braindirtying/reflections. ------------------------------ Brother Gregory Williams wrote.... Before there was a dictionary Samuel Johnson said Words are the symbols of ideas. Every word has many definitions and can be used in different senses. People in our past discovered things and were changed by that which theyre willing to see. Gregory, MAN may/will change, caused by direct-sensory-experience with nature all-around (expand consciousness by adding unique, original sensory/living information to the dream of life) but when it comes to having a direct experience with man-made words, ONLY the continued evolution of a robotic slave to word-pictures has changed/adapted and therefore nothing else is going on. This is why, under these present, severely compromised circumstances that we are all awaking too, it is very important to sense the intentions of others communicating with a lineal language like English (abomination = reflection) and to not solely focus on the WORD because if we do, then we are completely lost to reflections that alienate each other. -------------------------------- We (MAN) were meant to create living-sensory-life-forms and set them free to benefit and expand the living-sensory-dream-of life. But this does not happen with words/thoughts alone. There is nothing living there (word/thought), nothing unique and original, nothing REAL and TRUE, no sensory-life present to that thought/word. They can ONLY become reflections to destroy us, to cause us in present-sense to give up our uniqueness and originality as living creators (GODS), co-creators of the dream of life. Following words-thoughts around is what a slave/drone/robot does. A slave acts as a re-presentative of a word/thought. The word/thought needs the life of a duped-fallen-MAN to perform for it and thus con the fallen-MAN into giving up everything real and true and unique and original about the MAN. For many, many more articles that expand on the themes covered in this thread, look at the Love For Life Sequential Order of articles, videos, debates, podcasts, etc, posted near the bottom of this webpage. Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life continued here:
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:04:54 +0000

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