Article 1 section 8 of the United States Constitution gives - TopicsExpress


Article 1 section 8 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization. This power does NOT lie in the executive branch, making executive amnesty illegal and unconstitutional Article 2 section 3 says the president shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, He just made over 5 million people immune and no longer subject to the immigration laws established by congress which is illegal and unconstitutional. Executive amnesty is unconstitutional, illegal, a gross violation of the constitutional limitations of his office, a blatant executive over reach and yet another legally impeachable offence to add to a laundry list of illegal and impeachable behavior by this rogue president and his scorched earth democrat sycophants in his administration So, once again - just like with Obamacare which devasted millions fincnacially, President Obama has issued an unlawful royal decree that will would legalize more than 5 million people here illegally. This president is single-handedly creating a yet another constitutional crisis and hurting the citizens he took an oath to protect. Unilateral amnesty will add as many foreign workers to the nation’s legal labor force as the total number of new jobs created by his economy since 2009. President Obama’s regal proclamation is nullifying all the jobs the economy he and the democrats crippled, for hard-working Americans. Regardless of whether or not Congress lifts a finger to stop this (they wont - becase democrats like the votes and republicans like the cheap labor) The President’s illegal legislation is an especially stinging slap in the face to the African-Americans and Hispanics who elected him twice and as citizens have dramatically high unemployment rates. Though the amnesty working permits are being illegally and unconstitutionally done, they will no doubt displace millions of working citizens and at a lower hourly rate, driving up minority unemployment and driving down wages artificially. It is the height of manipulation to make the announcement before the week of Thanksgiving when it will not get noticed by as many people whose futures may be crushed by the action. The immigration debate, fueld by the recent border crisis where a massive influx of sick and impoverished people of Honduras flooded our welfare system in recent months has raged for years. It interests me that Obama chose NOW (when he knows he has only a few more months left of a Congress who will rubber stamp his socialist alinskiite agenda to create millions of new democrat voters for the 2016 election) If the GOP does not move to nullify this, defund its enforcement, and deport these people in masse - they will have effectively ensured that the millions of new democrat votes will prevent them from ever being anything other than a minority party again. PS: If anyone enjoys networking with fellow conservatives, shoot me a friend request - Chris Martineau Author If you enjoyed this post :) please share it :) If you enjoy conservative opinion writing - please check out my book: “Right Jabs to the Left Wing – Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lunacy” here: amazon/Chris-Martineau/e/B00LT3O594/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 It’s available in paperback and on Kindle. 100% of proceeds from ALL my books go to St Judes Childrens Hospital to help kids with life threatening diseases get treatment regardless of their familys ability to pay)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 12:43:00 +0000

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