Article 370 of Indian Constitution negates the very concept of one - TopicsExpress


Article 370 of Indian Constitution negates the very concept of one united India. This Article is responsible for genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir, as also for Muslim separatism. During 1980s and 1990s, Pakistan-sponsored terrorists killed thousands of Hindus in Kashmir, and drove out several lakhs of terrorized Hindus from Kashmir; and made Kashmir a Hindu-less region. Successive governments have done nothing to rehabilitate Hindus in Kashmir; and to punish their tormentors. Though the unanimous February 22, 1994 Resolution of Indian Parliament declares Jammu & Kashmir an integral part of India and demands vacation of Pak-occupied Kashmir, special status conferred on Muslim majority Jammu & Kashmir by Article 370 has created vicious problems. Though Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of India, even the President and Prime Minister of India cannot purchase even one square inch of land in Jammu & Kashmir because of Article 370. Moreover, though any person from Jammu & Kashmir can settle anywhere in the rest of India, no person from rest of the country can settle in Jammu & Kashmir because of Article 370. Besides, many Central laws are not applicable to Jammu & Kashmir. This Article limits the President and Parliament’s powers over Jammu & Kashmir. And being an outsider, even the Governor has no right to vote in Jammu & Kashmir. Though Article 370 was inserted as a “temporary provision” in the Constitution in 1950, it survives even now. And opposition to land allotment for Hindu pilgrims is the latest reward of this provision.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 02:35:41 +0000

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